Eight: Real Life/ Texts

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The next morning Charlotte got up and took a shower. She was well aware that they were just going to be at her house, but it's Sebastian and she still wanted to make an impression. She threw on a pair on grey joggers and a white crop top, letting her hair dry and moisturizing her face before walking down to the kitchen.

The house was quiet because Darcy left early that morning for her premiere and said she didn't know what time she would be back. Charlotte made herself a bowl of oatmeal and added some fresh strawberries into it. She sat on her couch and ate her breakfast while she played music through the house from her phone. Her phone buzzed on her lap.

SeBBY💕: What time should I come over?

Lottie💕: whatever time you want
Lottie💕: Darcy isn't home remember

SeBBY💕: okay, I'll come around 3, 3:30
SeBBY: I still wanna stop by and get us wings and junk
SeBBY💕: any other requests frumoasa?

Lottie💕: Did You Just call me a chicken or something???

SeBBY💕: no I called you beautiful
SeBBY💕: a chicken?? Really??

Lottie💕: idk, could've been your way of flirting

SeBBY💕: back to my question
SeBBY💕: any other requests?

Lottie💕: squirt, maybe some ice cream??
Lottie💕: specifically Ben and jerry's coffee toffee crunch bar, please

SeBBY💕: anything for you beautiful
SeBBY💕: see you in a later

When Sebastian got to her house she had to help him because he got a lot more things than she had asked for. They sat at the island in her kitchen and ate their wings.

"I feel like a pig eating like this in front of you." He said as he finished a chicken wing.

"Aren't I supposed to be the insecure one?" She asked him with a smile.

"Well, clearly the tables have turned. Okay, maybe more talking will shake my nerves. Tell me about your family." He said as he pushed his plate away.

"Well my parents aren't together anymore and I haven't really talked to my dad in a while. My mom is more like my sister than my mom and I love her to death. My younger brother lives with my dad but I talk to him as often as I can and he might stay with me this winter. My sister from another mister, of course, Darcy Annabelle Peters. I love that girl with every fiber of my being. We've been through everything together. I remember when she came out to her parents as bisexual and her parents kicked her out. I had just gotten my own apartment and she moved in with me. When Paul cheated on me she came all the way from Australia to be here with me." A tear slipped down her cheek and she chuckled and wiped her face.

"Shit, sorry. Didn't mean to start crying." She tried to shake it off with a laugh.

"No, it's a tough subject for you to talk about. You don't have to tell me about him if you don't feel comfortable. I just wanted to get to know you better." He reached out for her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"Thanks, Seb, just not right now. It's always hard to talk about him. Let's talk about work." She shook it off and forgot that he was still holding her hand.

"I can't wait to film again, I miss Chris. Don't tell him I said that because I will deny it. I miss that giant man-child." He chuckled.

"I have an audition this week and I'm nervous. My agent hasn't really told me anything about it, but I'm ready for it."

They sat there and talked some more before they went over to the living room and plopped themselves onto her couch. They started from the beginning of How I Met Your Mother even though we both openly admitted they'd already watched all of it four times. The last episode of season two was the last thing she remembered before she fell asleep on Sebastian.

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