Fifty Three: Real Life

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Sebastian got to Charlotte's house in fifteen minutes. He was about to knock on the door but heard yelling. He didn't mean to snoop but he put his ear to the door an started listening.

"No, you don't understand!" It was Charlotte's voice.

"What am I not understanding, huh, Char?!" Her boyfriend.

"It's not what you think, I don't have feelings for him." She cried out.

"Those messages sound otherwise Char, he misses you." He said in a calmer voice.

"I don't miss him, I don't want him, I want this, I want you." She pleaded.

"How am I supposed to know that for sure!? I feel like this relationship is one-sided! I don't think you feel the same for me as I do you! Do you know how shitty that makes me feel!? I really like you Charlotte, and I really wanna make this work." Daniel cried out.

"I care about you Daniel, I really do. It's just an awkward situation right now, with Sebastian and the babies. I'm just making nice with him because he's their father and he wants to see them. I'm not going to stop him from his kids. I like you too, a lot! It's just hard because he broke my fucking heart! I'm sorry you feel that way, I really am, but it's gonna take a while for me to open up again. If you're not ready to wait for that then I'm sorry, but-" Sebastian cut her off and knocked on the door.

She heard shuffling and then the door opened up.

"Oh, hey." She smiled.

Daniel had grabbed his belongings and pushed past Sebastian. He looked back and mumbled "unbelievable" under his breath. He had to pretend that he didn't hear the conversation. He pulled her into a hug and she held him close.

"You okay?" He asked her and sat down.

"Yeah, just a little sleepy. They kept me up all night." She lied.

"Can you believe we're gonna find out what they are in two weeks?" He bent down and pressed a kiss to her growing belly. "I love you guys."

"It's all going by so fast, but also not fast enough." Charlotte laughed.

Sebastian stood back up and looked at her with soft and lovingly. They gave each other a small smile. Sebastian knew that he should have stopped there, he should have stopped when they smiled. He just couldn't help himself, he missed her so much, so, so much.

With one hand on her belly, he put the other in her hair. She didn't stop him, she let him kiss her. The truth was that she missed him, there was still a part of her that wanted them together. She didn't lie to Daniel when she told him that she cared about him because she did, she wanted to be over Sebastian. She wanted to move on, but there she was. In the middle of her kitchen, making out with him.

She was overcome with emotion and tears streamed down her face as they kissed. He felt a tear on his face and pulled back. He wiped her face and looked at her with concern.

"What's wrong? I'm so stupid, I shouldn't have done that, I'll just go." He rambled.

"I love you." She cried and Sebastian turned around so fast he could have gotten whiplash. "After all the shit you pulled, I still fucking love you. I don't want to, I want to be happy! I want to stop feeling like such a burden on my friends. I want to move on! I can't do that because I'm still in love with you!"

"You don't think this is hard for me!?" Sebastian yelled back. "I still fucking love you too! I know I'm a stupid fuck up and you shouldn't forgive me, but we both know we'll only ever be happy with each other! I want you to be happy too, but do you honestly think you're going to be happy with him!? I haven't talked to my best friend in weeks either because of what I did! I've never felt more alone in my life! I really miss you Charlotte. Please, I'm asking you, please forgive me?"

"Sebastian, I can't, I really want to but I can't." She cried.

"Why? I love you and you still love me, that's pretty evident. I know that I don't want anyone else except you. No one is ever going to replace you." He was crying too, he just wanted her to see how much he needed her.

"I do, I do love you! So much, but you hurt me, you lied and you cheated and you accused me-" He cut her off.

"Charlotte, please, I'm on my knees." He kneeled down in front of her. "Please, take me back, I can't be without you anymore."

"Sebastian." She bent down as far as she could and kissed him.

"Oh, shit." Chris.

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