Sixty Three: Real Life

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After three days in the hospital the four made their way to Charlotte's house, which is where Sebastian basically lived.

"Where are my fucking keys?" Charlotte asked as she set Evan's car seat down.

"Hey!" Sebastian smacked her arm.

"Sorry, I'm still adjusting, not like they know any way." She pulled her keys out of the diaper bag.

"But you're already putting it into their heads." Sebastian rolled his eyes.

"They're asleep." She stuck her tongue out at him.

He puckered his lips and she kissed him. When they opened up the door it was dark.

"Welcome home!" The lights turned on and all of their friends and family were there.

Ian and Evan started to cry and everyone went quiet.

"Stupid Darcy." Charlotte mumbled as she set Evan's car seat on the island, Sebastian setting Ian right next to him.

"How did you know it's my fault?" Darcy tried to run over to them and everyone else gathered around.

"You're the only one with a key." Sebastian replied and took Ian out of his car seat.

"Aw, oh my god, I can't, oh my god, I'm lactating get them away. They're so cute." Darcy gushed as she saw the twins.

Chris snuck next to her and pulled her through the crowd. Darcy was only a little over two months pregnant and was barely even showing.

"Wow, they're precious." Chris said as he looked at Ian and Evan.

"They shouldn't be too grumpy, they slept all morning." Sebastian said as he handed Ian to Chris.

"This is?" Chris said as he took the baby into his arms.

"Ian Christopher Stan." Sebastian patted his back.

"Really?" Chris looked at him with gratitude.

"Yeah, this one is Evan Sebastian Stan." He kissed his baby's head.

"Chace? Wanna hold him?" Evan was cooing and moving around.

"Yes, please." He got closer and held the baby in front of him, holding onto his neck and butt. "They're so tiny."

"Your mom's coming later." Darcy wrapped her arms around her best friend.

"Aw, D. You're the best." She kissed her friends cheek.

"How was it in the hospital?" Darcy asked as they walked to the couch.

"We listened to music all day and talked and slept when we could. They don't cry that much, which I am so grateful for." Charlotte sat down. "How are you feeling?"

"Good, currently love eating cucumbers with tons of lime and salt. I am so sleepy all the time, all I want to do is nap. Also is it normal to salivate a lot?" Darcy rambled.

"Yeah, I had really bad heart burn. Try putting a little tajin next time. Your tits look great." Charlotte commented.

"Why are talking about my girlfriend's breasts?" Chris came back empty handed.

"Where is my son?" Charlotte asked. "Because they look good, I bet they hurt."

"Vanessa has him, do they? I never ask these things." Chris rubbed Darcy's shoulders.

"Not really, at least not yet they don't." She turned to look a Chris. "Babe, you're perfect don't stress." The two shared a chaste kiss.

Charlotte heard a small cry and ran over to the kitchen.

"What's wrong?" It was Ian crying.

"Has the hiccups." Vanessa answered.

"So it was you. I'll take them, they're probably hungry." She took the baby.

"Wanna do him and then Evan? Or both?" Sebastian asked holding the other baby.

"Wanna try both?" Charlotte asked her boyfriend.

"Is it weird to say I'm excited?" Sebastian asked her.

"Well, I think we should go. Give them time to eat and you to get settled." Chace spoke for everyone.

"Okay, it was since seeing you all." They bid everyone goodbye and went to the living room where Chris and Darcy were.

"You guys staying behind?" Sebastian asked as he wrapped an arm around Charlotte.

"Yeah, we missed you, Chris a little more than I But he won't admit it." Darcy teased.

"Whatever, she cried once. Saying she missed her wife." Chris played with her hair.

"Well, I'm gonna feed them and then I'll be back." Charlotte went up the stairs and into the nursery.

Breastfeeding in the hospital had gone fairly well, they tried doing it with only one of them and then tried it with both of them. She sat in the chair they had bought for her to sit with them when she needed to. She grabbed a pillow and waited for Sebastian to come and help her. He came in and laid them down.

"Still wanna know how it doesn't hurt?" He winced.

"They don't know how to bite yet, when they do, there will be pain." She gently touched the little hair they had on their tiny heads.

"We did pretty well, didn't we?" Sebastian said as he crouched down next to the three.

"We did." She smiled at him.

Mercy // Sebastian Stan //Where stories live. Discover now