Forty Four: Real Life

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Almost a month since they were over. She should've realized it sooner. All the morning sickness, the dizziness, the mood swings. Darcy was the one that said it first and even bought all kinds of tests. She sat in her bathroom surrounded by pregnancy tests. Only three more minutes until she knew for sure. To know if she was carrying Sebastian's baby.

Darcy was waiting on the floor by the door, anxiously biting away at her nails. The timer on both their phones went off and they both scrambled to look at the tests. Charlotte looked at the positive on the first test and reached for another one, positive. She grabbed three and they all said the same thing. She dropped them and pulled on the roots of her hair.

"Shit," Charlotte said.

"Shit," Darcy repeated.

"What am I going to do?" She asked aloud.

"What do you want to do?" Darcy looked up at her.

"I'm keeping it, that's for sure," Charlotte answered.

"What about its father?" Darcy questioned.

"What about the Sebastard?" Charlotte threw all the tests in the trash can.

"Are you gonna tell him?" Darcy walked into the bedroom.

"No, he's happy with Diana, I can do this, I have you and Chris and my mom and Jensen and Jared, I'm good." She shrugged.

"I think you should tell him," Darcy said as she sat on the bed.

"What's he gonna say? He's not going to tell me anything useful and I'm not getting back together with him." Charlotte sat near the window.

"Just a heads up is something. How's that guy you're talking to?" Darcy asked changing the subject.

"You mean my new costar? Daniel? He's great, but I'm not over him and I feel bad for leading him on." She had a pout on her lips.

"Well, at least you're talking to someone. It helps with moving on." Darcy told her.

"Yeah, you'd know, future Miss Evans." Charlotte teased.

"For the last time, we aren't dating." Darcy rolled her eyes.

"Whatever lets you sleep at night." Charlotte smiled when her puppy walked into the room. "My firstborn." She said as she kissed his head.

"Our fur baby." Darcy smiled.

"What am I gonna name it?" Charlotte asked as she touched her belly.

"I like Chloe for a girl." Darcy offered.

"I like that too," Charlotte said as she got up. "Let's go out?"

"What? Really?" Darcy asked surprised.

"Text Chris, I'll text Daniel. We'll go for dinner somewhere." Charlotte smiled.

"This baby is gonna do us some good, I see," Darcy said as she went to her room.

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