Forty Two: Real Life

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A week, he has not tried to contact her in seven days. She hasn't left her house in a week, not for work, not for food, not for anyone. Darcy is the only person to see her in her current state of, bloodshot eyes, tear-stained cheeks, messy unkempt hair, sweatpants and the same two shirts. She kept her phone on her at all times in hopes of any sort of contact from him, text, call, email, DM, anything. She barely slept, she wanted him to call her and apologize, say anything. It is currently noon on a Monday. Darcy walked into Charlotte's room hoping for some change. Sure enough, Charlotte sat on her California King bed with Barney sound asleep next to her, staring blankly at the rerun of Two and a Half Men.

"You hungry?" Darcy asked as she sat on the bed.

"No," Charlotte answered.

"You haven't eaten in four days, please, eat something," Darcy begged.

"I said I'm not hungry if you're going to keep nagging me then you can leave." Charlotte's eyes never left the screen.

"You know, you're not you when you're hungry." Darcy tried.

"I'm. Not. Hungry!" Charlotte yelled.

Just when Darcy was ready to yell back at, a phone rang, but it wasn't Charlotte's or Darcy's. They looked around with confusion. The two got up and looked around the room for the phone. Charlotte walked over to the dresser where Sebastian had stuffed some of his clothes. He threw everything around and found a practically brand new phone. The caller ID read nothing but a letter D, Charlotte's finger slid across the screen to answer the call.

"I know you said not to call you, but I couldn't help it, I need you, I miss you." It was a female, Charlotte knew what this could mean but she had to know for sure.

"Who is this?" Charlotte asked with a shaky voice.

"Sebastian, don't play games, come over." The woman said in a sultry voice.

"Who is this?" Charlotte asked again.

"Shit, forget I called." The woman tried to hang up.

"Wait, please," Charlotte begged. "How long?"

"This isn't right, I'm so sorry." The woman said. "I'm Diana, we've been seeing each other for two months. I wanted him to tell you, I really did. He kept telling me soon, I'm sorry."

"Thank you." Charlotte barely lets out before throwing the phone across the room, shattering it to pieces.

She was seeing red, she started grabbing things and throwing them left and right. He was cheating on her? But he had the audacity to accuse her of cheating? The ridicule of it all! She stopped when she saw her puppy, her baby, Barney sitting like an angel on her bed. She dropped onto the floor in front of her bed and began to sob. It was over, truly over. If he called she wouldn't answer, she was done. Done with it all, men, relationships, everything. He broke her heart, he truly broke her heart. She felt so blind and so fucking stupid.

How could she not see this coming? It happened again, but how was it that this time it felt worse, deeper even? Was she better? Prettier? Smarter? How did he play this role? So loving and such a perfect boyfriend, always acting the right way? But he was the complete opposite? He said he wouldn't lie! He lied about everything!

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