Sixty Nine: Real Life

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"Seb!" Lottie called out

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"Seb!" Lottie called out.

"Yes?" His head popped into the closet. "Ooh, wow. Hello gorgeous."

"Ugh! Shut up, I feel like I look gross." She ran her hands along the front of the dress, she felt insecure about her mom bod.

"What are you talking about? You look amazing, baby." He wrapped his arms around her. "I know how you feel about the way you look, but I love you no matter what." He kissed her cheek. "I love it but if you hate it, change. Would definitely still fuck you in it if you wore it." He whispered.

Her jaw dropped and she smacked his arm. "You're terrible, we have zero time for that. Where are Vanessa and Austin? And where are Chris and Darcy, we're gonna be late! You know I hate being late-"

"And how you like being at least half an hour early? I know, that's why I told them it started at six, they should all be here-" The doorbell rang. "Now." He smiled.

"I'm gonna go check on the boys, you let them in," Charlotte said as they exited the closet.

Evan and Ian were laying in their cribs babbling and kicking about. She smiled and picked them up, giving them kisses just to hear them coo.

"Who's mommy's, little sweethearts? You two are." She talked to them and they gave her a gummy grin.

"Aw, I thought I was." Darcy clicked her tongue.

"You are." Charlotte turned around. "Ooh, you are getting big."

"I know, whatever it is, is sitting right on my bladder, so I have to pee like every ten minutes." Darcy sighed.

"You look nice. That color looks amazing on you." Charlotte complimented her best friend as Darcy took Ian.

They walked downstairs and waited for the arrival of their other friends. No longer than seven minutes later there was a knock on the door.

"Sorry, traffic was terrible," Austin announced with a hand full of shopping bags.

"Guys, again? We're gonna run out of room with all this stuff." Sebastian chuckled and helped Austin.

"She's getting more." Austin chuckled as well. "Let me see this guy."

"Take Evan, me and Ian are bonding." Darcy was sitting on the couch, Ian sat up on her lap, they were just looking at each other.

"How far along are you again?" Austin asked as he hugged Charlotte.

"Almost three and a half months, who's my precious? You are, yeah you are." Darcy talked to Ian.

"Babe, we can't go," Charlotte said as she looked at the boys.

"What? No! Why?" Sebastian asked confused.

"I can't leave them, what if something happens?" Charlotte frowned.

"Trust me, Vanessa has been prepping for this for two weeks, she's read everything and we have you guys on speed dial. We'll all be fine." Austin reassured her.

"Okay, Okay." Charlotte sighed and ran a hand through her hair.

Sebastian pulled her aside and held her waist.

"We don't have to go, you know? If it will put your mind at ease, we can cancel." He spoke to her.

"No, let's go. I miss my friends and we deserve a night out." She kissed him.

"Let's get out of here." Sebastian smiled and she giggled.

She felt the same about him as the day they met.


At Jared's, everything looked spectacular. They had decorated their backyard and it looked like a fairytale. Fairy lights, plants everywhere, the table was decorated, it was amazing. After an amazing dinner Gen prepared Sebastian stood up.

"I'm sure everyone here is aware that Charlotte loves us all." He started and Charlotte smiled because it was true, her boyfriend and best friends were surrounding her. "But I don't think that anyone loves her more than I do. We've been through a lot, I've put her through a lot." He chuckled nervously. "But, we pushed through it. I knew I loved you the second I laid my eyes on you, you have the most stunning smile I have ever seen. Nothing makes me happier than seeing a smile on your beautiful face. She has given me everything and more than I could ever ask for. I wouldn't change a thing that has happened in the last three years, I wouldn't have anything I have now. I have you," Sebastian touched her cheek. "I have my best friends and my new ones," he winked at Jared and Jensen. "And I have my boys, our beautiful little boys, they have all of the love in the world. I love our little family more than words could ever say and I love you Charlotte Margot Masters," He pulled the little box out from his coat pocket and got on one knee.

Charlotte's eyes were brimming with tears.

"Will you marry me?" Sebastian said trying not to choke up.

"Yes! Of course, yes!" Charlotte cried and leaned down to kiss her now fiancé.

Sebastian held her tight as they kissed. She was his and he was hers. They wouldn't have it any other way. Everyone else was clapping in the background. Charlotte laughed as he slipped the stunning engagement ring on her finger. It was perfect, absolutely perfect. She smiled with tears running down her face, it was a fairytale, it had to be. Everything was so perfect.

A/N: Y'all this is almost over 😔 but I've had fun with this. Thanks for all the love I don't even know what to say. Hope you loved Lottie and Darcy as much I do!

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