Thirty One: Texts

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Sebastian: hey

Charlotte💕: hey

Sebastian: I'm sorry

Charlotte💕: you're unbelievable

Sebastian: what?

Charlotte💕: you haven't spoken to me in almost two weeks and I only know you're alive bc of the rest of the mcu cast
Charlotte💕: all bc you wanted to avoid meeting my mother
Charlotte💕: who really wanted to meet you btw and she's not here anymore
Charlotte💕: so thanks, that's why you're unbelievable

Sebastian: I'm an asshole I know
Sebastian: but I'm really sorry

Charlotte💕: no explanation?

Sebastian: I said I was sorry

Charlotte💕: I don't have time for this
Charlotte💕: I have an audition in two hours and I need to prep
Charlotte💕: when you're ready to talk like adults let me know


Mercy // Sebastian Stan //Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant