Seventy Six: Real Life

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Darcy woke up and they brought the baby to her. While they got introduced Charlotte and Sebastian went outside to check on their babies. They were FaceTiming Vanessa and the call was connecting.

"Ian say hi," Vanessa held the baby in her arm.

"How are you guys?" Sebastian asked.

"Ian just threw up on my back so that was fun but Evan is being just a doll. I'm stealing a shirt Lottie." Vanessa put the baby back into the crib.

Charlotte chuckled. "That's fine, Darcy is with the baby, we'll probably be here another hour."

"We'll call you or text you if anything comes up, love all of you." Sebastian waved.

"Boys say bye." She turned the camera on the boys in their cribs.

Charlotte smiled and leaned on Sebastian's shoulder.

"My niece is up there," Charlotte smiled wider.

"Our niece, ma'am." He kissed his fiancés lips. "How'd I get so lucky?"

"I gave you a second chance," she smirked. "I love you."

"Love you too, angel. Let's get that coffee before we go bother them again." They got up.


The couple walked back to the room jumping with excitement. Darcy smiled when she saw her best friend.

"How are you my darling?" Charlotte asked.

"Tired but happy to be here, happy she's here." Her hand was inside the incubator touching the baby's hand.

"Does she have a name yet?" Sebastian asked Darcy and Chris as he and Charlotte gazed at the baby.

"She does but I want Darcy to tell you." Chris was looking at Lottie.

"Her name is Charlie Lisa Evans." Darcy loomed at her best friend.

Charlotte was crying again but they were happy tears. She enveloped Darcy in a hug and Darcy held her weakly.

"Thank you, I promise to be the best second mom ever." She looked at Chris and Darcy.

"I like how she said second mom and not aunt or godmother." Chris told Sebastian.

"She said what she said."

A/N: I know that I'm actually the worst, but I'm trying. I have a lil journal I got like less than a month ago and it's more than halfway full of stuff I've written for all my stuff. So it's all happening slowly but surely but here's a chapter! School and work be stressing me but this is the one thing that doesn't make me crazy so thanks for reading my stuff and giving me attention. I appreciate it a lot.

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