Seventy Five: Real Life

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Sebastian drove as fast as he could to the hospital, but it wasn't fast enough for Charlotte.

"Sebastian I swear we could have been there already if I was driving." She said in frustration.

"Okay, first of all, I've broken like six laws already and second of all, if you were driving we'd be dead." The light turned red and he looked at his fiancé. "I know you're freaking out but what good are you going to be to her in this state, huh? She is going to be okay. The baby is going to be okay. We will all be okay." He squeezed her hand.

"I'm just so worried," Charlotte broke into tears.

"Okay, let's take a moment to collect ourselves before we go in." He pulled into the hospital parking lot.

He unbuckled their seatbelts and hugged her. She hid her face behind her hands and cried. He hugged her tight and shed a few tears himself, he couldn't even begin to imagine what Chris and Darcy were going through. 34 weeks was still early. If it had been Charlotte in that position... he couldn't even bear the thought.

"We have to be strong, okay?" He wiped their faces.

"I love you." Charlotte kissed his lips.


Chris was bent down over Darcy, playing with her hair and talking to her softly.

"Knock, knock," Sebastian announced them.

"Hey," Chris walked over to them.

"So? Anything yet?" Sebastian asked and Lottie was racing to Darcy's side.

"Baby," Lottie held her best friends face and Darcy let out silent tears.

"Lottie, I'm scared, it's not her time yet." Darcy cried out and Lottie gasped, Chris and Darcy wanted the sex to be a surprise.

"It's a girl? I'm gonna have a niece?" Lottie smiled and cried.

"Yeah, the doctor should be back in a bit to let us know our plan of action." Darcy held Charlotte's hand.


"Induce her labor?" Charlotte asked aloud.

"We have to, her foot is stuck, it's the only way to save them both." The doctor shook her head.

"Where? Where is she stuck?" Charlotte asked.

"Her foot is stuck by Darcy's spleen and we need to get her out ASAP, we're taking her in now." The doctor turned to Chris. "You the dad?" Chris nodded. "Come with me, you two can wait in the waiting room."


"Bash, I'm losing it." Lottie clung onto his strong arm.

"Let's go get a coffee, come on." He stood up and held his hand out.

Just then the doctor came out of from the double doors. "Peters and family?"

"Yes, that's us." They answered at the same time.

"They're both okay, Darcy is resting but Mr. Evans is with the baby if you want to see her." He explained.

"Thank you." Charlotte held tight onto Sebastian's hand as they walked towards Darcy's room. "Can I have a sec with her?"

"Of course, baby. I'll be waiting here." He leaned against the wall opposite of the room.

Lottie walked inside and sat in the chair next to the bed. Her eyes were filled with tears again and she picked up Darcy's frail hand.

"You did it, babe." Lottie smiled through her tears. "You did it and she's okay, you guys are okay. I'm so proud of you Darcy, you're gonna be such a badass mom, she's so lucky to have you." She wiped her eyes. "I love you so much, and I can't wait for you to wake up to give this kid a name." Charlotte kissed Darcy's cheek and walked back to Sebastian.

"You good?" He kissed her forehead.

"I will be once we see this little munchkin, let's go." She kissed his lips.

Chris was standing in front of the glass, watching with his fingers in his mouth.

"Hey," Sebastian announces their presence.

"Hey-" Charlotte rushed next to Chris.

"Is that her?" Charlotte asked and looked at the baby hooked up to all the wires in the incubator.

"Yeah," Chris nodded.

"She's so small."

"Doctor says she's pretty healthy all things considered, we should be out of here soon if she's okay." Chris smiled.

"Well if she's anything like her parents she'll be out of here in no time."

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