Beach Meets

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You sit alone on a park bench by the beach in Maine. You look out at the beautiful Atlantic Ocean, watching all of the couples, families, frens, and loners, like you, walk by. They all wear happy expressions. What was so great about their lives? You took out a small pocket knife and cut part of your skin, creating a red streak, but not letting out any blood.

A fairly good looking man walks by, right past you. Not surprising. A few seconds later, he walks back, and there he is! Sitting next to you!

He wears a black jacket, black skinny jeans, and a white T-Shirt. His hair is dyed white. "Hey, don't do that," he says, his voice clear and beautiful. You look him in the eyes. "I can't get out of the habit. It's a hard one to break," you admit. He nods his head. "I've been there," he says, as if looking into your soul. 

"Where you from?" he asks, and you're still in shock from the beauty of his voice. "Oh, just (enter name of city you live in)," he smiles. "Cool! I vacationed there with my family when I was little," and you hear some pain in his voice. "You?" He looks at the water. "New Jersey," he replies. 

"Can I ask what your name is?" you ask the man. He nods. "Yeah, I'm Gerard, but all my frens call me Gee, so consider me Gee!" he replies brightly. "You?" he asks. You smile at the fact that he's interested in you in some Way.  "Y/N," you say, and his grin spreads up to his eyes. "That's an adorable name!" he exclaims.

There's a small ice cream shop by the beach that you're on. Gerard takes your hand and leads you there. "What do you want?" he asks, as you two walk in the door. "Uhh," you think about your favorite ice cream flavor. "(Enter fave ice cream flavor)," you reply. "Okay!" he orders his ice cream, pays, thanks the cashier, and leads you outside once more. 

He takes you to a place where there are many trees, and you smell the ocean. There's a concrete platform by the edge with a metal railing. Gerard sits on the platform, chest pressing against the metal bar, feet over the edge. What a rebellious Way to sit! You sit with your legs crossed next to him, and you talk for hours.

Before you know it, it's already dark, and you let out a large yawn. Gerard pulls you a little closer to him, and crosses his legs like yours. You let your head fall onto his shoulder, and he wraps his arm around your shoulder, gently rubbing it. Before you know it, you fall asleep.

When you wake up, you are in Gerard's car. "Hey, sleepyhead. Didn't wanna wake you, so I started heading to my apartment to lay you down for the night. Let you crash at my place, but now you can tell me where you live and I'll take you there," he says, smiling broadly. "I'll just crash at your place," you reply, falling asleep once more.

When you wake up again, you're on a soft couch, and Gerard is on the floor. You smile to yourself. I think I've found my man! 

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