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A/N: Hi, frens. I haven't updated in a while and I'm sorry but anyways please enjoy!

I stood outside the door of my apartment The door stared back at me, as if daring me to go in. I felt myself trembling as I set my hand on the brass handle, instantly removing it. The texture of the worn off paint and metal was agonizing for me. I realized that I had left the cloth I typically used to open it on my nightstand. I cringed as I touched it, but quickly yanked my hand back, repulsed.

"How am I going to get inside my house now?" I asked myself.

I took the key out of the key hole and held it firmly in my right palm.

Silently, I sank down and sat outside my door, waiting for someone to walk by and help me get into my home.

"Miss, do you need help?" I was snatched out of my gaze and was now face to face with a man, hair stringy, greasy, and black.

"Y-yes, thank you." I handed the man my key and watched him slide it into the slot, then turned the handle.

"Here you go. Is it a texture thing for you?" he asked, yet it didn't sound rude. His Jersey accent made it difficult for me to think he could ever be annoying.

I nodded, ashamed of my terrible anxiety.

"Hey, I get it. It's okay, sweetheart." He must have noticed the tears streaming down my face as I stared at my lap, terrified to look into his eyes. "Now, you got any plans for tonight? Cuz, if you don't, I'm throwing a party. My house, it's right down the road from here. My brother, Mikey, lives there, too. I'm just asking my boy Ray if he wants to come, but you're plenty welcome."

I nodded. "That'd be nice," I said.

"Cool, cool." He pulled a pen out of his pocket and gestured for my arm. I handed it to him and watched as he scribbled down an address. "I'm Gerard, by the way. You are?"

"Y/N," I told him.

"Well, Y/N. I'll be seeing you again tonight, now won't I?"

I grinned and nodded. He did the same, bid me goodbye, and continued down the hall to the room where the man with the Afro lived. 


As I parked my bike in the yard, I walked up to the small house where Gerard and his brother lived.

I knocked on the front door, expecting someone to open it, but this wasn't happening. Instead, I heard Gerard: "Come in!"

I knew I couldn't touch the door handle. My body wouldn't let me, so instead, I knocked again.

"I said, come in!" Gerard repeated.

Tears stung my eyes as I realized how stupid I felt.

I knocked once more, and finally, I heard a sigh. 

"I said come in--oh!" Gerard scratched the back of his head as he looked down at me. "Y/N! Come in."

When I got inside, it was a small party. A few people were sipping drinks, others sucking off each other's faces, others messing around with the several guitars around the place.

Gerard showed me around the house before asking me if I wanted anything to drink.

"That would be nice, thank you. I don't care what you get me," I told him.

A few minutes later, Gerard returned with two solo cups, and handed the one in his left hand to me. "Here, drink this," he informed me.

Reluctantly, I drank the disgusting liquid, feeling it burn my throat as it wiggled its way into my body.

Instantaneously, I wanted it out. It was disgusting.

"Ew," I said. Gerard grinned.

"That bad?" he asked.

I nodded. "First time drinking. I'm not legal."

Gerard's face dropped. "You're not?!" he asked.

"Nope, I'm only 19," I said.

Gerard made a weird noise. "Well, don't get too drunk or do anything stupid." He flashed me a grin and off he was.

Many drinks later, I was sitting on the couch, giggling and laughing with Mikey, when I suddenly felt tired.

I shut my eyes for a second, and subconsciousl felt myself being lifted and buckled into a car.

It was in that moment that I realized my apartment was unlocked and dread crept its way into my heart.

When I woke up, I was in my own bed, the blankets tucked around me and a sticky note pasted on my lamp.

My head hurt like crazy, but I focused my hardest on the sticky note.

"Y/N, you got wasted and I drove you home. Thanks for coming, you're a lot of fun. I'll call you! Love, Gerard," I read out loud.

A tingly feeling crept into my bones and I found my heart pounding heavier than my head. A grin made its way onto my lips as I laid back down in bed.

"Thanks, Gee."


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