You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison

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A/N: This is a boyxboy

"What're you in for?" my cellmate, some crazy guy named Gerard asks me. His flaming red hair sticks up all over the place as he yet manages to smirk at me.

"Stabbed someone in the chest a couple times," I confess.

"That's sick, dude."

"Yeah, in the 'ew, disgusting', Way," I tell Gerard, though he's not impressed. "What'd you do?"

"Well, don't call me ironic, but I shot up a restaurant," he says with a giggle.

"Why would that be considered 'ironic'?" I ask.

Gerard's smile flattens. "Don't you know who I am?"

"No, who could you be?"

"I'm Gerard Way, the lead singer of My Chemical Romance? We've got a song called 'You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison' and one of the lines is "In the middle of a gunfight, in the center of a restaurant", which I kinda think is ironic, me actually shooting up a restaurant, when it's in one of the songs I wrote," he says,  voice thick with a Jersey accent.

"Oh," I manage to say, suddenly feeling threatened by the boy.

"But don't worry," he breaks the 3-minute silence. "I'm not totally dangerous. I'd have to strangle you if I wanted you dead, and that's pretty hard to do here. You're actually kinda cute." He cocks his head to the side and smirks at me.

"If you say so." I roll my eyes and return the smile.

"I mean it, Y/N. You're adorable."

He's inching closer and closer to me, my back against the wall, his hand by my right shoulder. This is the part where I dart away-not press my lips to his.

The guards come and warn us about physical contact. "HEY! GET OFF OF EACH OTHER!" barks one, a bulky woman with a buzz cut.

Gerard pulls away and grins. "I see the feeling is returned."

The next couple of weeks aren't as bad as I could've ever imagined prison.

Whenever the guards aren't looking, Gerard and I sneak kisses to one another, not caring if we're called gay or anything else. When you're in prison, any affection you can get is good affection.

Then it comes to the point where I wake up one morning and Gerard isn't there.

The guards pace by my cell several times. My so very empty cell.

"Where is Gerard?" I ask the woman when she walks by another time.

"He died, kid. They think he had a heart attack."

My heart sinks, and suddenly, I find myself on the ground. The last thing I hear is the THUNK of my head hitting the cold cement.

When I wake up, I'm in the prison infirmary, I think.

Either that or hell.

There are people gathering around me.

"He's awake!" I hear them saying.

I try to push myself up, but I can't. My head is pounding and so is my heart.

As I'm panicking, trying to move, I think about Gerard again.

When the tears start flowing, everybody is gawking at me, as if to say he has a soul?

"Just kill me. Kill me. I'm a horrible person," I plead.

"'Fraid we can't do that," says one of the people who I've never seen before.

I shut my eyes again and fall back to sleep, my dreams filled with images of Gerard and me.

A/N: This is super short because I can't think today. Anyways, this is based off of pretty much my favorite MCR song ever (besides Give 'Em Hell, Kid and Boy Divison) so THANKS BYE!

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