
145 4 7

A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in a long time. I've been busy.


I look up. Gerard, this emo kid in my literature class, is staring into my eyes.

"Hi," I say.

"Ginger-Ale?" he asks, pointing to my drink.

I nod. "I've got a bellyache."

"Oh, that stinks," Gerard says.

"Yes, it does."

The silence falls between us. Awkward and tension-filled.

"So why are you here?" I ask Gerard.

"You looked lonely. You know, crowd full of people, you sit alone. Guessing you hate school?"

I ponder this. "You're right."

"I know."

"Why, aren't you a smart-alec?"

Gerard smirks. "Indeed, I am!"

I laugh, taking another sip of my Ginger-Ale.

He brushes a piece of his thick, black, greasy hair out of his eyes, revealing what hides under that hair.

Beautiful hazel eyes;

framed with eyeliner.

I try my hardest not to laugh.

"What?" Gerard laughs.

"You wear guyliner!"

He smiles. "Yes, I do!"

Our conversation about his guyliner goes on.

"When did you start wearing it?" I shoot at him.

"When I became emo-duh!" he blurts out, like it's the most obvious thing ever.

As we talk, I start to get butterflies in my stomach.

Knowing he probably doesn't feel the same, I try to shoo them away.

I just... can't. Something about him...

STOP, I beg myself. STOP.

The bell rings, signaling that I have to go to class.

"Bye, Gerard!" I say, standing up.

"Wait, let me get your number!"

I pull a pen out of my pocket and motion for his jacket-covered-arm.

He flips it over and hands me his wrist. I write down the ten digit number and stick the pen back in my pocket.

"You better call me, Gerard."

"You know I will, Y/N."

With that, we're both off our separate ways.


As I sit on my bed, trying to figure out my geometry question, my phone buzzes.

It's a call from an unknown number.

I pick up.

"Hey," says Gerard.


"Whatcha doing?"

"Geometry," I groan. "You?"

"Being bored," he replies.

"Ah, fun."

"You know it!"

There's a pause on the other end of the line. I hear him talking to someone else.

"Sorry," Gerard says. "That was my little brother, Mikey, and his friend, Frank. They're just messing around."

"Nah, it's good."

We chat about geometry and our favorite classes and least favorite teachers.

"I wrote a poem the other day," Gerard mumbles.

"Why so quiet?" I ask.

"Because I'm bad at poetry. I just think you might like it."

"Then read it to me!"

"Okay," he says quietly.

He takes deep breaths quietly.

"And you only live forever in the lights you make. When we were young, we used to say that you only hear the music when your heart begins to break. Now, we are the kids from yesterday."

I sit in silence.

"Oh no, you're quiet now," I hear him mutter.



"That was beautiful."

I hear a tapping noise in the background. "Oh, uhm, thank you," he says.

"You're welcome! Well, I have to finish my math homework," I say.

"Okay, bye."


I hang up and go back to my geometry question.

Later that night, as I attempt to go to sleep, I just can't.

I feel tears brimming in my eyes and my heart beats a little bit faster by the second.

It's okay, I think to myself. Calm down, Y/N.

The tears fall in groups of more, suddenly uncontrollable.

My phone goes off.

It's a text from Gerard.

Gerard: Hey. Thinking about you.

Me: How'd you know what was going on?

Gerard: Wait, what?! What's going on?

Me: Nothing. I'm fine.

Gerard: You're NOT fine. You're obviously not fine.

Gerard: Should I call you?

Me: No, I'm fine.

Gerard: Don't lie to me, Y/N.

Me: I'm fine.

Gerard: I'm calling you.

As promised, Gerard calls me.

Reluctantly, I answer.

"Hello?" I say, as if not expecting it.

"See, you're not 'fine'. "

I let out a cry.

"Y/N, it's okay," Gerard soothes. "You're alright."

He starts to sing to me in a gentle, calming voice.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey. You'll never know, dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away."

Over, and over, and over, he sings the verse to me.

Soon enough, I'm sound asleep. The last thing I hear is please don't take my sunshine away.

A/N: Okay bye.

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