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You hold hands with your boyfren, Gerard, and then he looks you in the eyes, and lets go. 

He gets on the big stage in (hometown) and you wait in the first row. 

He opens with Na Na Na, one of your favorites. He smiles at you up on stage, and every girl around you almost faints, because they think he smiled at them, but you know it was for you.

He ends with Helena, a beautiful song, and then he walks off, along with Ray, Bob, Mikey, and Frank. 

You run backstage and rap Gerard in a hug, and you hear "oooohhhsss!" coming off from the boys, but you don't mind. You and Gerard rock yourself back and forth, and then he pecks you on the lips, letting go of you. He absentmindedly tucks a string of hair behind your ears. "Y/N, you're beautiful," he whispers, and you smile. "I love you," you whisper to him.

You, Gerard, and the boys go to a small pizza restaurant nearby, and sit by the window. Gerard sits across from you, and you have Frank and Ray on your right, and Mikey and Bob are next to Gerard. You all laugh and talk the whole time until the pizza comes out.

You all devour 3 slices each, Ray secretly eating 4, and then you decided to order dessert. You all get ice cream sundaes, and they are delicious.

Then you all hop in the bus, and drop everyone off.

Then it's just you and Gerard in the hotel room that you share.

You stand in the bathroom, brushing your teeth, when you suddenly feel arms around your waist, and Gerard kissed the top of your head. You spit out the toothpaste, set down your toothbrush, and pull you both onto the bed. He gently presses his fingers into your hips, as you two kiss passionately, until you both have to break for air. 

You climb into bed, and Gerard plays with the hem of your T shirt that you sleep in.

"You know, I meant it, when I said you were beautiful," he says, and you smile. "Really?" you ask, tears biting behind your eyes. You see him nod, and you smash your lips into his again, him instantly responding. 

You kiss for a little while, and then you fall asleep, your head on Gerard's chest, him singing to you the whole time. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy, when skies are gray, you'll never know, dear, how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away," he sings sweetly, and you let the tears fall onto his shirt, his arms rubbing your back calmly the whole time. You knew you were safe with your Gerard.

A/N: Haha, this was awful. Sorry frens!!!!

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