Look Alive, Sunshine

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A/N: For HeliumBlaze

Your POV

My breathing is heavy as my feet hit the ground one last time. I come to a stop, looking all around me for any signs of life.

I hear steps behind me. "Look alive, sunshine," calls the voice.

I gasp, turning around and staring at a man dressed in fluorescent clothing like mine, his hair bright red.

"Who are you?" I demand.

"The name's Party Poison. You?" He brushes a piece of his hair out from in front of his mask, shielding what looks like to be a beautiful set of eyes.

"Helium Blaze," I reply.

He shakes his head. "Only the legendary." Party Poison grins.

"Well, nice meeting you, Party Poison, but I'll be on my way." I gather up my belongings and start heading down the trail again when I hear him call my name.

I turn around, once more facing the bright-red-head, staring me right in the face. "Don't go. You and I, we could team up together, darling," he says.

"I don't think I should..." I trail off, staring at the ground. Why aren't you running?

"Come on. Just for a little while?" he insists, grinning again.

"Just a little bit," I decide.

We sit down on the hard ground, facing each other. Party Poison asks me basic questions like, "Where are you from?" and "What's your favorite color?" and I answer almost all of them honestly.

But when he asks me "Why are you here?" I feel a chill go up my spine. My whole body breaks out into a cold sweat as I think of the city I left behind to go join the Killjoys.

"You know, I'm not sure I want to talk about that," I tell him.

"It's only us. Tell me. You can trust me."

I nod, and quietly I tell him.

"Back where I lived, a smaller city, everybody was insane, but they all masked it. Nobody knew who was crazy and who wasn't, because we all just went along with their jokes. One day, my own mother went crazy and started screaming things about the plague and the end of the world, so I grabbed my stuff, went off, and became a Killjoy," I say simply.

Party Poison nods. "Alright. That's a good enough answer."

I see the sun going down. I point to it. "I should get going if I want to make it to my next stop before dark," I say.

"No, you should just stay here. You and me, we could stay here for a little while. Please?"

I look at Party Poison, and slowly, I lean in. I remove the mask off of his eyes and smile.

His perfect facial features reveal chapped lips (not a Cancer reference don't tear me apart), a golden smile, and best of all, gorgeous hazel eyes.

I trace my finger along the slope of his nose as he just kind of laughs at me. "One night," I say. "And tomorrow, I'm getting there. NO exceptions," I cave.

As Party Poison, or whoever Party Poison even is, and I lay, watching the sun go down, I carefully place my head on his chest. "You know, I feel it either way, right?" he asks, chuckling.

I smile and firmly place it there, as he runs his fingers along the edge of my shoulder. "You know, I shouldn't be here. I've got people to see, places to go..." I say quietly.

Party Poison says, "Everybody does. But for now, it's you and me, Helium Blaze, and that's all that matters, right? Let's live in the present tense here for a little while."

I nod against his chest and he places his lips on my forehead. "Thank you. I'll be here a while," I decide out loud.

He smiles at me. "I'd like that."

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