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I walked the busy streets of Munich, Germany, hearing all of the voices. The same language being used over and over all around me. Why did I come here?  I walked along the streets anyways, stopping at the little shops and tasting little things here and there. That's when I heard a familiar voice call out. "Y/N?" I turned around to face Gerard Way, my old friend from maybe middle school. "Yes?" I stared at him. He had ditched me for the popular crowd, leaving me behind in the dust. "Hello! I never thought we would meet up in GERMANY!"  He was just as surprised as  I was. "Me, neither." I let him run his mouth about his success in life and how he was getting back on his feet and stuff, when out of nowhere, I was knocked to the ground with a gun pointed to my head.

"Excuse me?" I asked the man with the gun. He did not understand. "Entschuldigung?" saying it properly in German. "Ja?" The gun was still pointed at my head. I looked over at Gerard, who had an expression of surprise on his face again. "Gee?" I whispered to him. "Oh!" He came over and peeled the man off of me with his strong arms. "Sir, are you alright?" He asked the man. Oh my gosh. I facepalmed. For someone so smart he is so dumb. "Ja?" he told Gerard. I pulled out my phone and typed in "110" waiting for the police to come.

When they did, they verified the man, asked us if we were alright, and all of that stuff. "So, you busy tonight?"Gerard asked, giving a slight eyebrow wiggle. "No," I told him flatly. I didn't know if I wanted to go out with him or not. He could be a bit of a jerk. "So, you wanna go out? I heard there's someplace where we can get good German food!" He was so excited. It was adorable, so I had to say yes. 

That night, I put on a nice dress and did up my hair and applied some light makeup. Gerard knocked on my hotel room door shortly after. "Hello, you look..." he looked for a word. "Stunning." I laughed. "Thank you."

He walked me through the town again until we stopped at a restaurant with nice aromas coming from it. "This is nice," I told Gerard as we sat down. "I thank you," I added. "Anytime. I'm glad to see you again, Y/N." I wasn't sure if I had been glad to see him a while ago, but I realized he had changed. "I missed you a lot. I'm sorry for ditching you so long ago, too. I just want to be frens and possibly something even more again." There goes that look again. "I would like that," I told him with a giggle.

So we chatted the night away, talking about middle school, high school, how college was going, how our families were, stuff like that. It was casual. It wasn't super awkward, either. I enjoyed it a lot.

A few weeks later when I was back in the USA *Green Day reference* I got a call from an unknown number.


"Yeah, is this Y/N?" 

It was Gerard!


So we talked again and agreed to go on a second date soon.

After that second date, we were inseparable again. I fell in love with Gerard, and I think he did the same.

"Man, Germany brought me some luck," he said one night as we watched the stars. "Same here. I was considering not going, but I'm really glad I did now." We sat in a peaceful silence until we both fell asleep on the grass.

A/N: Fun fact, I'm severely allergic to grass, so I can't lay on it without getting red and puffy. 

I'm back, my dudes! I missed you guys!!

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