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Earbuds in, head down. The way I went everywhere. 

My purple hair gently brushed against my waist as I walked around my small town.

It was boring around here. I knew everyone. Everyone knew me. Everyone knew my problems and about my life, and it bothered me. 

Everywhere I want, everyone stared and pointed and laughed. 

I pretended not to notice. That's where the earbuds in, head down, thing comes in handy.

I was used to the awful piercing stares by now, but every now and then, some of them were filled with admiration. Today was when I received one of them.

I was walking into a small little shop that sold cameras, and I looked around for a new lens. 

I found nothing that I liked, so I left. I ran right into a man with a strong build and bright red hair. He reminded me of an alien. "Oh, sorry," he apologized, his voice like silk, soft and kind of comforting. I looked up at him. "It's fine!" I said, blushing. What was wrong with me? 

We talked for a little bit, and finally, he said, "You look rather familiar." I nodded. "Yeah, everyone knows me around here," I stated. "You're beautiful," he said, staring at my long purple hair. He gently touched it. "Whoa, is this real?" he asked, and I nodded. "I started dying it about 5 years ago, when it was in a pixie. It was blue, and I fell in love with it after that," I said. 

"What's your name?" he asked me out of nowhere. I smiled. "Y/N," I said, and he smiled in return. "I love that name," he said. "I'm Gerard, by the Way," he said, and I nodded.

We exchanged numbers.

Gerard and I hung out for the rest of the day, eventually ending up at a carnival that was in town. 

We wandered around mindlessly the carnival, stopping at all of the rides that I thought were interesting looking, and Gerard went on everything with me. 

At the end, he bought me some cotton candy, and we watched as they set off fireworks. Gerard pulled me a little closer to him, so I offered him cotton candy.

When we were done, it was about 23:00 at night. 

"Whoa, I gotta get going," I told Gerard, and he grabbed my waist. "Here, I'll drive you home," he suggested, and I felt myself blush. Good thing he couldn't see. 

I hopped into Gerard's car, wrote down an address, and we listened to the radio. Eventually, I fell asleep. 

When I woke up, I was on my couch in my house. I grabbed my phone and checked it, only to see that I had 2 new messages.

Unknown number: Hey, it's Gerard.

Unknown number: You're even cuter when you're sleeping.

Me: (blushes) 

Me: No, I'm not.


Gerard: Good morning beautiful! I hope I can see you again soon!

Me: Yeah, I'd love that!

5 weeks later, Gerard and I became a thing.

A/N: Sorry this sucks. I'm awful at writing. Stay alive frens!!!! (Sorry, I know this is a Gerard fanfiction, but I love tøp too!!!!)

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