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A/N: For chemical_killer13

From Gee's POV

I scroll through my Tumblr today, seeing that that_one__emo (aka, Y/N), has posted something.

Reluctantly, I click on it. It's a picture of her standing in front of the mirror, hands through her beautiful hair, half-smiling.

I study the picture, smiling at the beautiful girl.

"Gerard, you go on in five!" calls out my tour manager.

Reluctantly, I shut down my laptop and head by with the other boys, Ray, Mikey, Bob, and Frank.

When we go out onto stage, the crowd cheers loudly.

Today, we decided to switch up the setlist. The first song we play is Boy Divison.

"I'm not laughing, you're not joking. He's not dead he only looks that way," I sing, while all of the other boys surround me by singing along and playing their instruments.

As we're switching from Boy Division to Na Na Na, I spot a familiar face in the crowd. Could it be Y/N? I think to myself.

We finish up our show after what seems like forever, and afterwards, I find Y/N.

"Hi," I say, finding her seconds before she walks out the door. Fans are screeching as I touch Y/N's shoulder lightly.

"Hey," she says back. "Oh my gosh, Gerard! I'm your biggest fan!"

"And I'm yours," I reply with a grin. "I'd like to talk to you sometime, if that doesn't sound too creepy."

"Does now work? I live right around here. We can go back to my place and have some coffee!" she suggests. 

"Yeah, I'm free!"

I let the guys now that I'll be going off, but I don't include where.

Back at Y/N's apartment, I'm sitting on the couch, sipping black coffee and looking at her. She tells me about how she used to be very self-conscious when she was little, how she was picked on for being a little heavier and that just destroyed her.

She's in tears, crying into my shoulder as I comfort her. "Y/N, it's okay. You're beautiful, and you would be, even if you were voted the world's ugliest person, you'd still be gorgeous," I say.

She looks up for a second, stares me dead in the eyes, and presses her lips to mine.

I smile as we pull back, her grin melting onto her beautiful, tear-stained face.

"Thanks, Gee," she mumbles, before wrapping herself in my arms.

"Anytime, Y/N."

As we continue talking, I tell Y/N all about me, and she tells me the same in return.

"What's your favorite MCR album?" I ask.

"Oh, obviously Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge!" she says.

I grin. "Well, you're in luck, because I know all the words to my own songs."

She smiles as I stand up and start singing. "Long ago, just like the hearse, you died to get in again. We are so far from you."

Y/N stands up and starts dancing. She's dancing so hard and I'm singing so loudly that we don't hear the cup of coffee fall until Y/N steps on the glass.

"OUCH!" she cries out. "Oh my GOSH!"

I look at the bottom of her foot. Right smack in the middle of it, there is a giant slash from where she stepped on it. She makes a seething noise as I rush to get a first aid kit from the bathroom.

As I'm bandaging her foot, she's smiling and laughing.

"What's so funny?" I ask.

"Gerard Way is bandaging my foot," she replies.

I smile and press my lips to hers again. "Can I crash here for tonight?"

"Yeah, that's cool," she says, and kisses me once more before we curl up on the couch together, falling soundly asleep.

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