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A/N: My Imagines have been accepted into a couple of awards!! Yay!!!

"Ha ha ha," I say sarcastically. "Very funny." Gerard looks like he's about to burst into tears, so suddenly, your face hardens. "Wait... you're serious?" He nods. "I'm joining the military, Y/N. I really am," says Gerard. I bury my face in my hands. "No," I whisper quietly, trying not to cry. "N-no, you can't, really," I cry. "You can't." Taking my hands from my face, Gerard rests his in mine. "It's okay. I'll be back in a couple of years. Plus, I can go to college afterward. It'll be great, trust me!" The desperate look in his hazel eyes makes me feel selfish for even trying to hold him back. "Yeah, you're right." I bring him into my arms and set my head on his broad, muscular shoulders.

3 more days pass, and I watch as Gerard gets on a bus that will take him away to join the Marines. 

"Goodbye!" I call out, tears streaming down my face. He waves through the window, a silly grin on his face. I slide back into my car and set my head on the steering wheel. All of the other people who joined the bus had wives, moms, dads, siblings, etc. Gerard only had me. 

"Are you sure you don't want to bring Mikey?"

"You're the only person who matters to me." He smiled again, squeezing my hand gently in his.

Three months later...

I open a letter three months after Gerard had been deported.

Dear Y/N,

I miss you dearly. I can't believe it's been three months already! It's been going by so fast for me! I wonder what things are like back in Jersey. How is Mikey holding up? I'm intending on sending him a letter, too, but I'm still kind of upset with him for not caring about me joining or anything. So far, I haven't gotten seriously hurt. I had to train for a while, but then they decided that I'll be ready to go into combat in the near future. I'm not sure I want to go into actual combat. I don't really wanna die, hahaha. I love you, Y/N.

Sending my love,


Tears sting the back of my eyes as I read the letter over and over again. His joke "I don't really wanna die," kind of got to me. I know it was a pun, but I don't know what I would do without Gerard. We've been friends our whole entire life; it would suck to not have him with me. 

I pull out a sheet of paper and pen and start to write back.


Jersey is fine, I guess. Mikey is doing alright, and I've been holding up okay. I miss you so much that I haven't known what to do with myself! I can't wait to go to (college of your choice) in the fall. I'm so glad that I got accepted! I'm so happy for you. You're so incredibly brave. I hope you don't die either!!!



I instantly put the letter in an envelope and stick it in the mail, hoping it will get to Gerard soon.

Four months later...


Mikey: Hey

Mikey: Something happened.

Me: What do you mean, "something happened"?

Mikey: Gerard.

Mikey: He got hurt.

Me: Nice prank.

Mikey: It's not a prank.

Me: I don't believe you.

Mikey: Come over.

Rolling my eyes, I grab my purse off of the couch and head out the door, walking towards the Ways' home. 

I walk in and see Mrs. Way, curled up in a ball, an American flag in her hand. "O-oh no," I say. "No, no, no." She nods. "W-what are we going to do...?" She shakes her head, and I walk over to hug her. "I-I should go." I walk out the door and back to my house, where I lay down on the couch, and cry.

Dear Gerard,

I miss you more than anything. I can't believe you're gone now. I told you not to join, didn't I? I warned you, Gee. I love you. More than a friend. I love you so much. I hate that I'll never see you again. I love you.

I read my own letter over and over again and set it in an envelope like I did 3 months ago. I enclose it in a small box and set it on my dresser.

I told you not to join.

A/N: This was terrible. Terribleeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.  I have stupid writer's block for fanfiction and fanfiction only, but I've been shooting out poetry like crazy, so go check out Heroic and The Light Behind the Darkness. Thank you for reading, if you are. Love you!!!

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