Opposites Attract!

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This is a request for @Dontcallmemaxi

I walked with my other punk frens down the hallway to our lockers. We laughed about something that the other normal people wouldn't understand. I was just talking to them when I noticed some kid getting rammed into the lockers by the school's major bully. The bully was calling him really mean things, like fag, although I knew he was straight. I was shocked! I had never seen this kid before, but for some reason, I could tell that he was gonna make a great boyfren if I tried hard enough. 

"Hey, leave him alone!" I said to the bully, he looked at me with his devilish grin and said: "Whatcha gonna do about it?" I pulled out my fist and whammed him as hard as I could in his ugly nose and then I took off my shoe with the little bitty spikes on the side and whacked him over and over in his stomach. The principal wouldn't care, right?

"T-thanks for h-helping me out," the kid stuttered. "Anytime. What's your name?" I asked, smiling. "Gerard, you?" "ALEX," I replied, he smiled back. "That's a pretty name," he said blushing. "Do you wanna go out sometime?" he asked, blushing even more than before. I nodded and smiled. "Yeah, is tomorrow at 7 okay?" I asked, and he pulled out his phone, checking the calendar. "Yeah, I'm free! Send me your address and I'll pick you up!" he said, smiling. 

I walked Gerard back to his locker, only to see that it was the one decorated in pink and purple glitter. I kind of expected it to be one of the girly girls, but no, it was Gerard's. "Tomorrow at 7," he said, smiling, and I nodded. "Tomorrow at 7."

After the date (which went perfectly) Gerard invited me back to his house! I wasn't ready for anything like that, but at the same time, I was very excited. We went into his room and shut the door, and I pinned him against the wall, kissing him enthusiastically. He made cute little noises, when I heard a noise outside the door. I just kept kissing him, anyways. But then his mom walked in and gasped. "I NEVER APPROVED OF HER!" she said, screaming at the top of her lungs. "But, mom! She's not like that! She saved me from that bully kid!" he said, almost crying. "Okay, but you need to run her through me. I don't want you dating this emo punk fool!" she said, screaming still. I intervened. "No, it's okay! I'm not like that at all, but if you don't want me with him, then I'll leave him alone." Once I said that, I saw Gerard's anger and rage come out. "NO, MOM! YOU HAVE BROKEN UP ALL OF MY RELATIONSHIPS THAT I HAVE TRIED TO HAVE AND YOU WILL NOT BREAK UP THIS ONE! ALEX IS NOT LIKE THAT!" he said, crying. I felt so bad, so I wrapped him in a hug and breathed in his smell. He smelled like vanilla and lavender. He also dressed like a girl all of the time, but I still really liked him. I played with the fringe of his pink T-shirt. "Okay, if you really care about her, then she can stay," she said, smiling at us. "Thank you, Mrs. Way," I said. "If I ever hurt him, which I won't, you can break us up," I said, smiling. "Thank you, I am trusting you with him."

Gerard and I dated until the end of high school, when we were separated by college. We decided to keep in touch, and we reunited after college to get back together, when he popped the big question. Of course, I said yes, and we now live happily together, as the girly guy and the punk rocker. 

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