Task Force Heads

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Blacklight never learned to delegate. The Empress doesn't plan on making the same mistake. As such, she's created a number of different task forces to cover areas where a certain expertise is needed. Each will be headed by a Project Phoenix hero, and the chosen heroes will receive extra resources to help them with their tasks.

Head of Disaster Relief and Noncombat Aid

Selected for humanitarian inclinations and logistical skills, this position provides:

—During one voting round of your choice before the Semifinals, your vote will count for three. You may not use this ability if you are up for votes.

—You may negate the effect of one ballot challenge of your choice before the Quarterfinals.

Head of Public Relations

Selected for interpersonal skills, particularly with regards to image and public speaking, this position provides:

—Immunity to ballot and in-entry kills for one round.

—Notes on any entry of your choice before the finals. This ability is not restricted to your tribute.

Head of Research and Development

Selected for intelligence and an analytical mindset, this position provides:

—An extra 24-hour extension to be used at your leisure.

—An automatic 10 in any section of your score except for Task Completion.

Head of Covert Operations

Selected for their discretion and observational tendencies, this position provides:

—During one task of your choice before the Quarterfinals, you may receive an automatic 10 in the Task Completion section of your score, regardless of whether you actually completed the task requirements.

—In all odd-numbered tasks, you may submit an additional ballot kill.

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