Slot Sixteen: Splendour!

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How does he do it, Karen? Each day is a new miracle with the prodigal son of heroism!

Name: Jamie Thatcher

Alias: Splendour!

Age: Twenty-four

Gender: Male

Nation of Origin: Canada

Appearance: Splendour! is an attractive man in an obvious, all-American (or Canadian, I guess) kind of way. He keeps his hair long at the front and slightly untamed, and his facial hair just slightly scruffy to cultivate a devil-may-care sort of aesthetic to him, which fits the usual skinny jeans and flannel that he wears. Splendour! is tall, like his brother, but fills out his frame with toned muscle so that he winds up looking athletic rather than lanky. There's a cockiness to his face that spreads from his crooked smile to his devilish eyes, but he doesn't mind: he may as well let others know that he's better than them in advance!

Personality: Splendour! has always been the prodigal son, and nobody's ever been shy about telling him; as such, much of his personality comes from this fact: he's wound up with a cocky sort of sense of humour, then, and an inflated sense of his own importance in the world - but he's also grown to expect himself to be a beacon of success at all times, and is very harsh on himself when he fails (which almost never happens). Outside of this, Splendour! is a charismatic, smart individual who both is good at enjoys charming men and women alike. However, he seldom thinks through the consequences of this, and can sometimes toe the line into seducing the wrong people - but he usually feels bad about it when it happens! Or he tries too, anyway, but it's hard to regret having fun.

Superhuman Abilities: Splendour! has heightened speed and strength (because what superhero doesn't? It'd be pathetic), but his main ability relies in his ability to create illusions. He can create just about anything, so long as he can wrap his mind around it.

Equipment: Spandex! Lots and lots of spandex. And a little bit of leather.


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