Slot Nine: Black Phoenix

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I hide deep inside myself, in an impenetrable prison where the world cannot hurt me.

Name: Raven Wolfe

Alias: Black Phoenix

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Nation of Origin: The United States

Appearance: Raven has tan skin, and is about five foot ten. She smiled a lot, and has a tattoo of flames on her left shoulder. From there, her appearance depends. Her eyes are normally completely black. But not in a bad way, like soulless black orbs. Rather, they're dark like the night. However, when she uses her powers, they become a brilliant white color. Her hair reacts similarly. Normally it's pure white (she keeps it in a ponytail), but when she uses her powers, it turns black. She keeps her hair around shoulder length. She wears a black and white combat suit when she's fighting- with black pants and a white top. Her outfit choices aside from that are generally casual- consisting of a t-shirt and jeans.

Personality: Raven is a withdrawn person. She doesn't talk about the past, and tends to avoid trusting people. She can be sassy and sarcastic, but she's deep down she's actually hiding a lot of insecurities and trust issues. She uses her sarcasm to disguise her kinder side so that others don't see her as weak. She likes odd numbers, and tends to take jokes too seriously at times. She usually comes off as dark and brooding, and most people don't bother to come near her. As a side effect of her power, she somehow ended up being able to sense when people are feeling really dark or extremely happy emotions, and because of this, being around people can be stressful for her. She lives in a small apartment with a kitten named Snow to keep her company, and when she isn't being a hero, she works as a cop on a police force. She loves her job, but she sees a lot of gruesome things and that combined with her battles against super villains has pushed her to the point of giving up on the world. She sees most or all people as potentially evil, and it only adds to the loneliness she tries to hide. Since staying at home alone gives her too much time to think, she doesn't really take any downtime. If she isn't catching villains with the cop, she's usually going after them as Black Phoenix, and her job gives her a lot of information most other heroes wouldn't have, so she works more efficiently. She does run into danger recklessly a lot, though.

Superhuman Abilities: She has the ability to manipulate light. While that might not seem like much, using that and her ability to see perfectly in any light, she can blind her opponents and get the upper hand. Before she had her superpowers, she was just a normal cop. Then, when she was out on patrol, a super villain attacked. Being the reckless person that she is, she fought back. During the battle, she was thrown into a wall. After that, she was sure she died. But at that moment, something clicked deep down inside of her, and she gained her powers. Of course she didn't know how to use them, and another superhero had to come clean up the mess, but she devoted herself to learning them until she could become a hero as well. Along with her superpowers, she also excels in hand-to-hand combat and other basic cop skills.

Equipment: She always keeps a pistol on her, and anti-superpower handcuffs, in case she needs them.

Other: She also loves lemon pie. 

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