Slot Eight: Guaritore

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Thus the healer is reborn under heavenly classification.

Name: Urania Linnaeus (Ooh-rrah-nee-yah Lee-nay-oose)

Alias: Guaritore (gwah-ree-tor-eh)

Age: Twenty-three

Gender: Female

Nation of Origin: Honduras

Appearance: The most noticeable traits of Urania's are her wide, dark brown eyes and her arched brows, both features on the brink of pitch black. The color of her hair is almost as dark too, except it seems to get lighter after some exertion—this phenomena will be explained later. Her nose is nothing special either, just a little wide at the nostrils, and it doesn't stand out much when in the midst of other Hondurans, who commonly share the shape. Because of her Central American roots, Urania has skin the color of unearthed bronze, brown and gold; she could blend in with the sun-kissed trees if she'd like. For her age, Urania has an above-average height of five-foot-seven and the rest of her physique is in prime condition due to her own profession's advice.

Personality: When people learn that, at only twenty-three years of age, Urania is a neurosurgeon, they immediately believe her to be this soulless robot who can only speak in medical jargon—this couldn't stray farther from the truth. Urania is the most sympathetic and empathetic, passionate and compassionate person to ever walk on the surface of the Earth. She pours the entirety of her soul—the love she has for curing and the hope she gains from healing—into all her work. There is nothing she wouldn't do if a life could be saved, unless it means endangering more people. Her motto, if she could choose one, would be the cheesy "kill them with kindness" because she believes there is no such thing as too much benevolence in the world and that dying via happiness is the best way to go. If this seems like too far of a stretch, fine, Urania is the best person to re-walk on the surface of the Earth, not just because she's that good, but because she's one of a few handful of people who've died and come back to life. (Side-note: On her way to administer common vaccinations to a village outside her hometown of La Paz, Urania died after being in a particularly hazardous car crash. An indigenous elder from the Trifinio region tribes revived her within hours, mixing her blood with the wet clay of the earth, intertwining part of his own being with her soul.)

Superhuman Abilities: First and foremost, she believes her human abilities are far more superior to her superhuman ones. Her biggest gift is empathy, for a hero is only as great as the strength of their heart. Without a moral code, a person is nothing but shadow waiting to cross over. Urania has retained all her medical abilities as well, ranging from the simplicity of stitches, to the complexity of brain surgery. With the elder's tie to her soul, however, she has also gained magical healing. For the emotionally wounded, a broken heart will no longer be a problem, all holes will be filled with love; for the mentally wounded, a terrorized brain will no longer be a setback, all kinks in the right place. Hers is the gift that keeps on giving—to everyone but herself that is. For every person she cannot heal by medical procedure alone, for every individual she has to exert her powers on, Urania's hair physically becomes a shade lighter. In the meta, however, one year of her life from before is taken. She only died at twenty-three years of age, so she should be able to cure many more people before she needs to worry. But who knows if Urania was to die at age twenty-four and has instead been skiving years off her second chance at life.

Equipment: Her white, full body suit is no wonder, but has multiple hidden pockets. Inside these slits are different types of pills and vaccinations; she'll admit a couple of them are lethal and though she has no intention to kill someone else, she might have to one day use them on herself. Urania also has a utility belt that she endearingly calls a fanny pack. The outside holds sheaths for both knives and a gun; the inside has even more bullets and a variety of surgical tools, like scalpels, needles, and thread. There is another set of knives tucked inside her boots, but they are kept unexposed at all times and for emergencies only.


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