Slot Fifteen: The Beat

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Name: Rajon Bey

Alias: The Beat


Gender: Male

Country of Origin: United States

Appearance: As a hero who chases down scampering pickpockets and rats rather than blood-summoned bogey-demons, he values a nimble frame over one that will delve out astronomical power. For his superhero service, he can walk into pretty much every restaurant in Atlanta and get a free glass of water, so this physique is hard to keep up, but at least the local rapscallions keep him running around. His skin is tan and accented around his chin with spotty facial hair. His countenance is grim and hardened, which doesn't really mean anything, but it does help when threatening miscreants. While wide brown eyes would betray him, his floppy black hair and similarly dark crime-fighting hood do well to shroud them. In terms of outfit, black and yellow are the Beat's symbolic colors.

In terms of outfit, black and yellow are the Beat's symbolic colors

Personality: Rajon actually likes his place as a superhuman. So many these days are just bit out of the blue, and start swinging around like monkeys in a tree, but they never asked for it, so they're always moaning about it. If Rajon could make it happen, he would have Zam! Crash! and Pow! fly from his hands just like the comic books he loved to read as a kid. When working, he tries to find a middle ground between a police officer and an all-powerful car tossing demigod, but it's still fluctuating a bit. As a powerless superhero, he's always had to prove himself, and that chip on his shoulder still lingers. He tries to project a cool and unfazed version of his self to the public and his peers, but behind that, his a bit like a kid in a candy store.

Superhuman Abilities: Back when he was known as The Beat Cop, he used to work with none, just patrolling the streets with a vigilante cape and a fighting move that plays out like a video game combo-move, now infamously known as 'The Beat Down'. Vigilante's have no place in Project Phoenix though - at least not according to the conglomerate that sold him his power (stuffy guys in lab-coats and private jets). So now Beat can manipulate time, he's still testing it out and has only been making small adjustments to the rhythm, such as going to free rock concerts and sending the performers off tune, and going to free middle school concerts and bringing the performers on tune. He doesn't know how it works, to what extent it could work, and what drawbacks (other than the lump sum of cash he parted with) there might be to purchasing it.

Equipment: Just his suit, which Project Phoenix backers have sewn all sorts of resistances into.


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