Slot Fourteen: Crimson

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Name: Daere Ellis

Alias: Crimson, previously known as Hellfire, previously known as The Ignition, previously known as Blaze

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Nation of Origin: Wales

Appearance: I don't look in the mirror a lot. I know people who do, always checking themselves out like it's the most important thing to look nice or something. God damn narcissists if you ask me. Can't say I care if my own hair is flat every single day or that it ain't blonde—my mom says I complained about it being this ruddy brown color a lot when I was little. Never had a problem with my eyes, though. They're real blue. I get them from my pa, or I assume that's where. It's hard to tell without a comparison. My nose's my mum's, though, skin too. It's the pale kind, but not as bad as my sister's. She blinds people every time she steps outside, honest she does.

Personality: Not everybody is the nicest person. I suppose I'm not either. It's a hard job. You can smile and try your best but you're gonna slip up eventually and get someone mad at you for no good reason at all. I sure do try to be nice, though. I'm giving too. I lend out my stuff and put people first and all that crap. A lot of people would probably call me secretive, though. It ain't that, I just don't like talking. If there's nothing to say why bother running your mouth? It gets me in trouble a lot. My mouth, I mean. Sometimes, if someone's being a real moron, it's hard not to stand up and smack them around.

Superhuman Abilities: If you asked my third-grade teacher, Ms. Griffiths—who had been a thorn in my ass for several months before the "incident"—she'd say it was being a nuisance. It's no surprise really seeing as that's what they called it: the incident. The whole thing wasn't even my fault. Honestly, it wasn't. The classroom caught on fire during art project day. Maybe they shouldn't have brought so much paper. It was for all the kids who kept messing up, though, you know the ones where their face just sags when the teacher brings out the paint and charcoal and all the other shit that's supposed to give everyone creative freedom, and then ten people draw a landscape with the sun in the corner anyway. Regardless, I ended up catching some of those projects on fire. I've gotten better since then, absolutely - both in creating and manipulating flames. My hands can glow real red too, so hot I'd burn off my own arms if I wasn't immune to the stuff.

Equipment: There ain't much I've got to keep around. The only thing I always keep with me is this neat old lighter from my great uncle. It's got these intricate swirls on the front and a little message carved into the back and everything. It makes creating fire a whole lot easier and nonexplosive.


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