Slot Eleven: Resonance

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Sound is relative to the person who is listening.

Name: Harmony Walker

Alias: Resonance (there may be other names in the future, but Resonance is really the only one Harmony likes so far)

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Nation of Origin: England

Appearance: Harmony is a slim and relatively short, often called a "twig" by her friends. Don't let this make you think she's malnourished – she'll eat the entire contents of your refrigerator for breakfast.

Her mother was black, thus giving her darker skin and extremely curly hair. It was a surprise her eyes were blue since neither of her parents had brown eyes. It's a stunning feature on her already pretty face that gets her many compliments.

Harmony loves warm, rich colors as opposed to the cool dull ones her father wears. Her room is a whole different world compared to the rest of their apartment. Dark reds and royal purples line her walls. They're also covered in band posters, but that's just another part of her aesthetic. She combines pop culture T-shirts and lacey shorts with pumps and chokers. Somehow, it works. Her father has never criticized her clothing, but he often looks, making sure it's appropriate for his young daughter. She is very aware of this, but actually agrees and complies with his standards. She's not into that kind of look.

Personality: Harmony is like her father, Robert, in many ways. She's generous and sassy like him, but there are a couple of things you wouldn't expect. Despite the carefree attitude she has, she is just as meticulous as her father, always having to do things "the right way" and by the rules... if they're not dumb rules. She also tends to keep her problems to herself, knowing how hard life has been on her father since her mother died when she was nine. She is very observant – almost more so than her father. She knows he drinks when she's not around and she knows the grief that still lingers in his heart.

She tries to distract him and pull him into the present with their reading and playing, but she knows he thinks about her mother's death daily. He never told her how it happened and she isn't sure if it's because it's too terrible to know, or because he's too scared admit it happened.

She was born partially deaf and had to use hearing aids for many years. She and her parents even learned sign language to communicate more efficiently. However, when she gained her super powers, her hearing problem disappeared. Afraid to tell her father that she was different like him, she hid it from everyone. She told her mother about it, hoping she would understand. She was fully supportive and comforting to Harmony and promised to break it to her father for her. She never got to tell him before disaster struck. Harmony never got up the confidence to it herself, always hiding it and playing along as partially deaf.

In relation to her hearing, she loves music. She loves loud music. Metal, dubstep, and anything that makes you feel the music and make you move is her forte. Concerts are her favorite and she always has music going in her room with the multiple music related posters on her walls. Along with music, she likes photography. She enrolled in a group at her school and has her father help her practice by teleporting her places. One of her favorite things to do is to take a photograph she took and assign it its very own song so that they compliment each other in two senses.

At school and around her friends, Harmony brings the party. She's the powerhouse of the cell where she comes from. She has endless bravery and a compulsion to take others under her wings and help them fly. They rarely are able to fly as high as she – she seems to live on her own little cloud and tries to share a little bit of it with everyone she meets.

Despite her charismatic nature and popularity, Harmony constantly doubts herself and who she is in the world. Her father doesn't know about her powers and she wonders if he would accept her. She knows he dislikes his own ability and she's afraid he would look down on hers.

Superhuman Abilities: Harmony has the ability to manipulate sound waves. She can change volumes, direction of sound, source of sound, and hear everything. When she was nine she discovered she could change the volume of her music and even how well she heard. After having problems hearing her entire life, Harmony was ecstatic. Soon she was experimenting how to use her ability. Now she is rather skilled – able to easily switch from manipulating volume to direction and sometimes even doing both at the same time. She can create sound, but with great effort and energy. Taking one sound and putting it somewhere else is also draining and not always accurate. Harmony can essentially hear anything she wants, making her not only not deaf, but super undeaf.

Equipment: Harmony always carries around a player that will record sounds and play them back. She has recorded a number of sounds and voice for her to use whenever... just in case.

Other: Harmony actually likes Pumpkin Pie. She and her father have arguments over Thanksgiving. But my favorite is still Apple.

Author Games: The Absent EmpressKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat