Slot Ten: The Silver Fox

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The fox is sly, the fox is fly, the fox is grieving inside.

Name: Robert Walker

Alias: The Silver Fox

Age: 50

Gender: Male

Nation of Origin: England

Appearance: Robert is a handsome man who has aged well – very well. He has been named a "silver fox" and for good reason. Not only is his salt-and-pepper look dashing, but he's an intriguing character on his own. He wears grey turtleneck sweaters and navy blue slacks on casual days with the occasional trench coat. He has dark brown eyes; which begs the question as to how his daughter received blue ones.

Personality: Robert is the dad™ who is always slightly irritated at work. He may reply with sass and sarcasm, but he's also the boss and you don't call him out on it. Those who really understand him know that he means well. He cares for his employees and co-workers and likes to keep everything running smoothly. He is meticulous in order and time. Off work, however, he is very thoughtfully and observant.

Although no one would tell from the surface, he is rather clever and able to fit his way through technicalities and sticky situations. He may or may not be a tactical genius.

Robert likes to put on a face for those around him to make them happy and pretend everything is okay, but inside he is grieving. He hasn't been well since his wife died five years before. He feels responsible for her death and promised to take care of their daughter, Harmony. Robert tends to drink the sorrow away, but never let's his daughter see.

He spends time with Harmony whenever he can. They like to read mystery novels to each other and play card games when he comes home from work. Since she's partially deaf since birth, she uses hearing aids most of the time. When she gets tired of them they use sign language around the house. Robert is involved in her hobby of photography, often taking her to parks and traveling to scenic destinations – although their way of traveling is a little... unconventional. Robert's ability allows them to virtually travel anywhere.

He tries to keep his power under wraps, however. Very few family members and friends know his ability. He refuses to use it for personal gain and every time he does, it reminds him of what happened to his wife.

Harmony has him wrapped around her finger and convinces him to use this ability. Sometimes it's a trip to a concert and sometimes she's late for school.

Superhuman Abilities: Robert has the ability to teleport. He vanishes in one spot and appears in another. He can only travel to places he sees, has seen or can see through a photograph. When he does this, he leaves behind a "silver lining". When he teleports, he leaves a silver fissure in the space he left and in the space he arrived. This allows others to pass through either direction for as long as it's open. Naturally it closes after a few seconds, but he can choose to keep it open for as long as he wants. However, this requires more energy and saps him the longer it's open. It also takes more effort to travel greater distances. This is why when traveling a long ways, he makes "pit stops", hopping from one place to the next to avoid a longer strain. It takes a little longer, but it conserves energy. If he is holding something or someone, he can take them through with him. The larger the cargo, the more energy it saps.

Equipment: He doesn't really have anything but an inventive friend gave him a really cool watch he uses often. Kinda like the Apple watch I guess?

Other: Robert's favorite pie is apple pie.

Author Games: The Absent EmpressWhere stories live. Discover now