Finals: Voting

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All right, everyone! This is the last voting round for Author Games: The Absent Empress. As usual, voting will be a bit different from previous rounds.

To vote, send via PM all four finalists, ranked in order of your preference, with a note after each explaining why you voted the way you did. First place in your ranking will receive three points, second place two, and so on with last place getting nothing. The final rankings will be determined by final point totals. Simple, right? Just to be sure, here's a sample ranking if my Games were much more interesting than they actually were:

1. Raven, the sorceress with a complex past, iron (yet fragile) control over herself, and principles as bright as her methods are dark.

2. Cyborg, the powerhouse with a smile, whose ingenuity, charisma, and will overcome technical issues and the loss of his human appearance.

3. Starfire, the warrior princess with a cheerful disregard for fear, human taste buds, and everything that might tell her to stop being exactly who she is.

4. Robin, the intrepid leader whose skill and cunning effortlessly conquers every demon save for those within.

Everyone get the idea? Good. Just to remind you, our delightful finalists are:




Nora Belasco

Finalists may vote; however, if they do so they may not put themselves in first place.

Voting closes: Saturday, December 30 at 5 PM EST (because I'll be occupied later that evening)

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