Task Two Entries: 11-20

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Darkness stirred around me and death reached for my heels. I tried to run but I couldn't. I was planted where I was, doomed to be devoured by the monster behind me. I cried for help, but there was no sound. I tried to amplify my voice but I couldn't use my power here. Everything was damp. It was cramped.

I turned around to realize I was seated in a plane. It jolted and rumbled, jumping through the air. Everyone around me was slumped in their seats. I shook Dad in his seat to wake him, but he didn't respond. I screamed at him but no one woke up. They were dead. The nose of the plane dipped down and the engines burst into flames. The structure rattled and the piercing noise rang through my head. I tried to silence it but it only grew louder as we fell.

It was so loud. It was so loud.

I gasped as my eyes flew open and I saw the room around me. There was a ringing in my ears as I dropped the powers I had been using in my sleep. I had turned up the 'volume' too high.

I sat up and rubbed my face with a groan. I wanted to fall back into the blankets and go to sleep, but I was too afraid of my dreams.

The moonlight poured into the room, making a distorted white shape of the window on the tiled floor. The squares of light didn't quite match up to the tiles, making me cringe slightly.

If this had been my room, I would never have put up with tiled floors. This would have to be my room for a while, though. The facility allowed me to stay here with Dad, not knowing that I was their 'missing team member'. Thankfully, the American had set my profile as anonymous, only going by the superhero name I gave him over the phone. Resonance was a good name, I thought. It could change, but everything else was either cliché or weird.

I slipped out of bed and stood up, wobbling a little on my legs. Ever since that damn plane flight, I had nothing but problems. I had been tired but not sleepy. The world seemed to shift and turn as I sat still. My stomach got all out of whack from getting airsick. My appetite all but disappeared. I had troubles going to sleep and when I finally dozed off, a dream plagued my mind.

My Dad, the man who can teleport across oceans, insisted on coming to America 'the normal way' because apparently there are such things as Passports and Visas. I mean, I knew that. It was just annoying. We can come here for an hour or two, but staying here requires being legal. It also requires airplanes. I hate airplanes.

The facility had put me in a joint dorm with Dad's so I just had a separate bedroom. The kitchenette and bathroom was on his side, so I slipped through the door, making myself completely silent.

After guzzling down a cup of water and relieving myself, I was about to slip back into my bed when I noticed a strange sensation. It was subtle, but the airwaves around me were being pulled elsewhere. I curiously closed my eyes and felt them, reaching with my mind. I immediately detected the source. Actually, it was rather the opposite of a source.

It was... inconceivable.

Like a black hole or giant magnet, an area of vacuum pulled a different kind of frequency to it. Could this be a super?

I slipped on my shoes and went into the hall. It was on the roof of the building, from how it felt. I climbed the stairs a couple of flights and found the way to the rooftop.

The wind made me shiver as I stepped outside. It wasn't from the wind.

The void had moved away and was traveling along the rooftops of the other buildings. Would it come back? Should I go before it does? I was not going to follow it. My curiosity resolve wasn't that strong

I looked up into the bland sky and found a place to sit. I was too awake now and would only toss and turn. It was that jet lag.

Sitting there with my thoughts, I had nothing else to do but worry about my predicament. I wanted this. I wanted to show Daddy I could do good things with my powers. But what good have I done? I only ever used them for my own gain and the hindrance of others. Maybe they were small, but it was unfair. How could I expect him to accept my gifts when I abused them irresponsibly?

Author Games: The Absent EmpressWhere stories live. Discover now