Slot Thirteen: Reason

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But what is reason if not a whore, and logic if not a joke?

Name: Amanda Palmer ("That's A-MAN-duh not AM-an-duh. Get it right, babe.")

Alias: Reason ("I guess The Golden Whore works too, babe.")

Age: 28 ("I'm young and down for fun, babe.")

Gender: "Oh babe, my strap-on says male but with those shoes, you'll never know"

Nation of Origin: America ("Chicago, baybee!")

Appearance: There's a thing called confidence and it's a look that is easily spotted and worn better than any priceless diamond. For Amanda, she wears confidence around her neck, loose and easy, and her charm flows through her. She's a confident business woman, always caught up in the latest fashions, and is someone who adores parties at obscure penthouses with fancy wine, which shows in her attire. For that face, who could forget her lovely deep black skin, those flawless pores that are basically nonexistent, and those plump, kissable lips? Or those brown eyes, commanding and always in charge. Or even her neck, so sharp, tilting back to reveal that expression of 'can you believe this' and 'okay, sure, babe'. Everything about Amanda is her confidence, and everything about her look is beautiful. She's a work of art--oh, and don't forget her figure. Fit and in charge, this tall woman works out and makes certain you know it. Her hair may be wild and untamed at times, but that core? Tighter than your dreams and your girlfriend. When it comes to body, she's a 10/10. Unless you're looking closely, you may not even notice her bionic leg, often hidden with the latest skin-design model. ("However you want me to look, babe.")

Personality: Fun, gentle, parties. Alternatively, sarcastic, deep and reflective, and kick ass. Which goes with which? Well, unless Reason the superhero happens to like partying around and being gentle with her sworn enemies, it's fairly easy to spot. Her favorite expressions often include the word 'babe' and she's easy to get along with--but don't confuse that for easily commanded. She's your boss first and always, something that's not easily forgotten. While she's a fun woman to be around, there's something about her that keeps people at bay, especially her employees.

Superhuman Abilities: Chemical illusion. That is, Reason secretes pheromones that react in a way that makes you believe she is whatever it is you lust after. This could be a beautiful woman or man, or a pizza man carrying your favorite delivery meal. Whatever it is, your lust has left you devoid of reason, and that's her gain.

Equipment: On her thigh, she keeps a bag filled with miniature bottles containing her secretions of pheromones. This is because her powers affect everyone within a few yards if she's not super careful and if she can throw a lil secretion bomb, or pour some into your drink/food/mouth, you'll be affected without all that hassle. She also has knives lined with a little tube attaching to a squeeze thing. This allows her cuts to also squeeze out the pheromones on you. Whatever you do, try to stay away from the leg--it's liable to contain her bag, and it doubles as a nice hiding place for her sword when she's on business. Yes, she's got a sword. Yes, you're jealous. No, you're not allowed to touch.


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