Slot Seventeen: ...and Kevin

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And what do we say to speak of the other flakes of snow; those who look just like the others?

Name: Kevin Thatcher

Alias: and Kevin

Age: Twenty-two

Gender: Male

Nation of Appearance: Canada

Appearance: Kevin is an attractive young man, in the typical way you often see in models from a JC Penny advertisement or newly purchased picture frame: sharp features with a slightly too-long face; tall and lanky, but with a toned muscly build; a pretty pout with a bitter frown. The only thing particularly noticeable about Kevin is the deep copper of his hair. A few years ago, he would dress in exuberant, ill-fitting colours and patterns that nobody would ever be caught dead in with the hope they'd make him stand out. Now he mostly wears blacks, browns, and greys, though his fondness for scarves has stayed (albeit in more neutral tones).

Personality: Kevin is, first and foremost, a sweet guy: he'll go to just about any length to help or please someone he cares about (something his ex-boyfriends have both abused and enjoyed in completely different ways of the idea). He's a smart person, although it's not so much clever wittiness as knowing a bunch of random facts from reading a bunch of books that he'll never actually use. Often, Kevin will fade into the background, mostly because he's not a very talkative person - Splendour, his brother, is the talkative one - but he doesn't mind. Not really, anyway. Although sometimes, when he's in his room binge-watching some television show for yet another time, he starts wishing he were the kind of guy who's the life of the party and had a million friends - but then when he leaves his room he realizes how much work that is and changes his mind.

Superhuman Abilities: Nothing. He's skilled at absolutely nothing, whatsoever, though he's quite good at (although he makes great boiled eggs and he plays a mean game of Canasta).

Equipment: Yes, equipment. That's a thing. Now, I could go into the scientific process of explaining just how Kevin creates all the really cool things he does, but I think that'd go over every head except Joe's and also I don't actually know science. Anyway, let's just say Kevin works really hard to create some really impressive equipments and to compensate for his lack of special powers.


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