Chapter 2 // Peace

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We carry the bodies of the dead to one end of the beach, preparing them to be burned. It's not the burial that one would wish for but we don't have the time nor the energy to bury 41 bodies. By now, we've done a proper counting. We know that there were 217 passengers on the plane. There are 32 of us here alive on the beach. There are 107 passengers dead in the cabin of the plane and 37 still missing.

We've assumed that the 37 missing are deceased. We're just not exactly sure of where to find them. Perhaps they're somewhere in the ocean, or maybe they don't even exist anymore. The plane crash has left a great devastation. We've been keeping track of time and we've estimated that it's been about five hours now since the crash. So far, there's been no sight of any rescue teams coming to get us.

I continue sorting through the suitcase of medication that we've gathered. In the past few hours, we've done nothing but sort and organize. Niall continues to rock baby Kennedy back and forth. Kennedy James. That's her name. Reagan was right, her parents are dead. She's an orphan. Niall has volunteered to watch over her until help arrives.

"Harry," Liam says, limping over in my direction, "We're going to start the fire when night comes. I'd estimate that's in another hour or so..."

"That's fine..." I whisper, sorting through the suitcase.

"I was thinking we could have some kind of memorial or something before..." He says, leaning against the side of the wreckage.

"Yeah, whatever..." I shrug, focusing my attention on the medicine in my hands.

"Are you okay mate?" He asks, walking closer towards me.

I breathe in heavily and shake my head. Of course I'm not okay. We've just been in a terrible plane crash and we're currently stranded on a remote island. I don't see how anyone could be "okay" at a time like this. Call me crazy but I just don't think it's possible.

"What if your little fire burns out of control?" I ask, looking over at him.

"It won't..." He whispers, "I'm a fireman."

"A fireman?" I ask, furrowing an eyebrow.

"Yeah," He nods, "You know, we fight fires."

"I know what a fireman is..." I say, shaking my head.

"Yeah. You know what would be a good idea?" He says, looking down the beach.

"What's that?" I ask, zipping the suitcase of medication shut.

"We should go around and ask everyone what they are. We could probably organize things better if we knew people's careers..." He says, nodding along with his sudden idea.

"I don't know. I don't really plan on being here that long..." I say, wiping sweat off of my forehead with the back of my hand.

"Yeah, but we should at least get things going just in case..." He says, looking back over to me.

"Just in case what?" I ask..

"Well, you know..." He begins, "Just in case nobody comes..."

I just nod my head quietly and purse my lips. A slight laugh escapes me, not on purpose. I don't mean to laugh. Clearly, this isn't exactly a laughing matter. I just can't help it. I can't help but this is completely my luck. Of course I would end up on a remote island after a plane crash. I don't know why I'm acting so surprised.

"Ay!" Reagan shouts over to us, waving her hand in the air.

She's leaning in front of Niall. The baby, Kennedy, stirs in his arms. Liam and I quickly run in their direction, kicking up the hot sand as we move. Kennedy whines in Niall's arms, tears streaming down her sunburned cheeks.

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