Chapter 19 // Subjects

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Harry's POV

We're dragged down more sterile hallways, a lot like the last time that we were caught here in the base. Except this time, Nick and Niall aren't standing with us, they're standing against us. Nick drags Sol in front of me as Niall drags me shortly after him. Carson and a few other workers have rounded up the rest of the group and has them all following behind us.

Carson once again has her hands on innocent Kennedy. In fact, she walks behind all of us with Kennedy in her arms. I lick my bottom lip as Niall continues dragging me down the long hallway. My body screams in pain and I feel as if my heart is about to beat out of my chest. I can still taste blood in my mouth as my tongue swirls around in my dampened mouth.

As we reach the end of the hallway that we're traveling down, Nick opens a metal door and throws Sol inside. He then turns to Niall who hands me over to Nick. Nick squeezes the back of my neck and buries his nails deep into my skin. I mutter in pain as I'm thrown into the room after Sol. I immediately collapse onto the ground as I lay next to a nearly unconscious Sol.

"Uh..." Sol groans in pain as he rolls over to one side.

I gently lift myself from the ground and position myself into a sitting position. Reagan, Liam, Zayn and Eddie all follow us into the room and stand in a short line across the back wall. Carson enters the room, a smile upon her bloody face and a sleeping Kennedy in her arms. I feel my body tense up as soon as I see Kennedy.

I then look to Niall to see if he has any reaction at all. He loves Kennedy. How could he let Carson take control of her again? Besides, what even happened to him and Nick anyways? I know that Nick died, I was the one that buried him. Niall though, he's the one that I'm really confused about. As I look Niall over, he pays me no attention.

Instead, he stands behind Carson, arms behind his back. Nick stands the same way on the other side of her. It's clear that she's in charge. I don't know how she is, but she is. She's controlling them like they're her own personal soldiers. Perhaps that's exactly what they are.

"Well," Carson smiles, "it's been fun hasn't it?"

"Bitch..." Sol mutters, coughing as he chokes on his words.

"I hope you choke and die..." Carson whispers through an evil smile.

"Don't hurt our baby!" Sol shouts, his face growing red with rage.

"Oh sweetheart..." Carson murmurs as she shrugs her shoulders, "I don't listen to you."

Before Sol can mutter another response, Carson turns away from the room and heads through the door. Nick follows shortly behind her as he locks the door shut behind the two of them. Niall continues to stand in front of the room, still at attention. I take in a breath as pain radiates through my chest. I cringe in pain as I slam my head against the wall behind me.

Reagan slowly walks towards me, keeping her eyes on Niall as she does. He doesn't say anything. He doesn't even move slightly. Reagan just crouches besides me and wipes my bloody face with the corners of her t-shirt. She gives me a brief reassuring smile and plants a small kiss on my cheek. If I wasn't in so much pain, I might have enjoyed the brief kiss.

I adjust myself against the wall and slowly stand up. Sol continues to lay on the floor, coughing up bits of blood here and there. Carson might get exactly what she was hoping for with him. If he doesn't get medical attention soon, he probably will choke and die. I reach down and slowly lift him up to where he's leaning against the same wall that I was leaning against.

He should be okay for now as long as we keep him in an upright position. I nod to Reagan, silently instructing her to clean his face up as well. She tilts her head and raises an eyebrow at me, not wanting to complete the task. I know that Sol has done very terrible things to her but he still may be the only chance that we have of getting off of this island. We need to keep him protected.

Stranded // One DirectionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz