Chapter 6 // Perjury

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Nick once again leads us through the jungle. I'm not sure as to why the group has made me the leader when it's clear that Nick has all of the qualities of a natural born leader. He's fearless and willing to fight whichever fight needs to be fought in order to protect those that need to be protected. He must have been a soldier or warrior in his past life.

We all trudge through the jungle, coughing and sweating every step of the way. This climate, this island is absolutely destroying us. All of our skin is flaky dry yet covered with a layer of hot sweat. Our hair is caked with dirt and also dripping with sweat. Our muscles are sore and bruised from the beatings and long walks that we've acquired in the past few days. Our heads pound with serious migraines brought on by the severe heat, I've never felt so miserable in my life.

Hours tick by as the same plants and insects are crushed beneath our feet. Nick brings out a used machete that we found in one of the suitcases at the bottom of the plane. Along with the machete were a few other knives and small weapons that we each have our fair share of. Since I believe Nick to be the true leader of our group, I gave him the machete that Liam initially handed to me when it was found.

The tall brush in front of us is quickly knocked down with a few simple swipes of the sharp machete that Nick wields in his bleeding hands. Niall follows directly after him while Reagan walks only a few feet in front of me. Every once in awhile she'll glance back at me and give me a quick smile. I reluctantly give her one back each time.

It's hard for me to smile, even just slightly at a time like this. I don't want to smile. I don't see the point in it. Our plane has crashed, leaving hundreds dead while we've landed on some sort of demented island equipped with freaks that like to kill innocent people and kidnap infants. I'm sorry if I don't feel like smiling much right now. Maybe if we ever get out of here, but only maybe.

"Doesn't this area seem a bit familiar?" Nick asks, turning around to Reagan and I.

Reagan and I both stop and glance around. Nick is right, this area does seem familiar. We're close to the area where we started chasing after Sol. I try to find a spot that I noticed before specifically. I find a tree, immediately recognizing it.

"This tree," I whisper, "This is the one."

"Which way?" Nick asks, looking back at me.

"That way..." I whisper, pointing in the direction behind the tree.

"Okay..." he says, "Let's go."

We continue walking, taking more and more notice of the area surrounding us. We eventually find the same exact bush that Sol exited from when he carried Reagan in his arms. Nick slowly walks into the bush, attempting to see if he finds anything that can lead us to Sol. Reagan, Niall and I wait patiently for him to find any evidence.

"Find anything Nick?" Reagan asks, crossing her arms across her chest.

"Hold on..." Nick says from behind the bush.

"Who's this Sol guy we're looking for?" Niall asks, biting his lip.

"A guy that found Reagan..." I say, nodding towards him.

"Is he from the plane crash?" Niall asks, a look of confusion across his face.

"No," I whisper, "I'm not sure where he's from."

"What do you mean?" Niall asks, shaking his blonde head.

"He just kind of appeared..." Reagan whispers with a shrug of her shoulders.

I immediately glance over to her. I thought that she didn't remember Sol? At least that's what she told me last night. She said she didn't remember much of anything. Perhaps she's just going off what we've told her. What we've said of him.

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