Ghost (Part 3)

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Y/N and Lau had spent a few more hours on the couch talking and drinking, until it was well past midnight. That night Y/N slept much better than she had the night before, though the bed still felt empty without Isaac by her side. The next morning she was up early, well earlier than she had been the day before, and made her way to meet up with her mother for brunch at her favorite restaurant in town; it was something they did whenever her mother came to town and she was not going to miss it sulking over Isaac.

She walked into the small cafe, spotting her mother she walked quickly in her direction, hugged her before apologizing for being late.

"You aren't late, you're right on time. I hope you don't mind me ordering for you."

"Of course not, and right on time for you is late. Obviously because you took the liberty or ordering my food." A slight irritated tone in her voice

"I was just trying to be helpful."

"I know Mom, thank you." When the waitress came around with their food Y/N ordered herself a mimosa and a glass of water, before beginning to eat and looking back at her mother, who was giving her a strange look.


"You never drink before three o'clock, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, just a rough few days is all. Nothing a drink and time with my mother won't cure. By the way, I love your new hair color, it suits you." Her mother smiled, knowing that Y/N was making an attempt to change subjects off of herself and while normally she would fight it she decided to let it slide this once.

"Thanks, I'm trying to cover the gray I don't think I'm old enough yet to be going gray. Though your father is all gray and, don't tell him I told you but, his hairline is receding." Y/N let out a laugh at her mother's confession to her.

"Speaking of Dad, where is he?"

"Oh he's out kayaking with your brother and his boyfriend."

"Are you serious? Matthew has a boyfriend?" The two women smiled, both thinking of the boy who had only been out a short while.

"Yes, his name is Mason. Very cute and very sweet, lovely boy. I actually think he's from the same area Isaac's from, you would like him."

"I'm sure I'll meet him when I come to dinner tomorrow." Her mother looked shocked before a broad smile crossed her face.

"You're coming? That's fantastic, your father will be pleased to see Isaac of course, he was a bit disappointed when you two decided not to spend the week with us but he understands. He just loves that boy so much, as if he was his own child." Y/N took a deep breath before turning to her plate and mumbling to her mother. "What was that?"

"Isaac isn't coming with me tomorrow, we are spending some time apart."

"How long?" Y/N tried to perk up, reassure her mother that there was nothing wrong, though her mother saw right through it.

"Just a few days."

"What happened?" Y/N sighed, pushing the food around on her plate, unable to look at her mother.

"We had a fight."

"Was it about his ex again?"

"It didn't start out about her."

"Well it never does."

"Yeah but this time I blew up at him, told him how I felt about it and then asked him to leave."

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