No One But You

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When he first saw her he wasn't even sure it was the young woman from his memory. Isaac had only seen a glimpse of her as they passed while turning the street corner. If he hadn't been so familiar with her scent the young man may have never stopped. But he was, and he did. He stopped and turned around following the direction she had gone in. He could still see her, now half way up the block and before he could even stop himself Isaac was calling out to her.

"Y/N?" She stopped mid-step and he called out to her again. "Y/N." She turned around with a wide grin on her face.

She now stood before him at the street corner, each of them holding their arms out to hug one another. "Isaac? Oh my god, Isaac! It's so good to see you! It's been so long how have you been?"

"I've been good. You?"

"I'm good."

"What are you doing in France?"

"A well deserved vacation. Do you still live here?"

"Yeah I do. Right now the street actually. How long are you here for?"

"Just a few days. My flight got in last night, I've been wondering around all day taking in the sights."

"That's nice." An awkward silence fell between them.

"We should have dinner, catch up." She suggested.

Isaac nodded his head in agreement. "Yeah that would be nice."

"How does, tonight sound? seven-thirty? I'm staying some place near the Louvre. You know this place better than me so I trust you can find somewhere good for dinner."

"Yeah, sounds great. I know just the spot."

"Great, I'll see you tonight." And then she was off again down the street.

Only a few hours passed and the two sat across from each other at a table for two in one of Isaac's favorite restaurants in the area. They had ordered and payed for their food long ago but still sat nursing their drinks and picking at dessert. They had talked about the weather and the beauty of paris but had done very little 'catching up.'

"So, where are you living nowadays?" Isaac asked.

Y/N smiled, taking a sip of her drink. "New York. I'm a journalist for the Times."

His eyes were wide with shock. "You are not."

"I am." She confirmed.

"Wow, I guess dreams do come true."

"And what are you doing these days?"

"I'm a therapist, my specialty is in counseling traumatized youths." He said with a smile, he was truly proud of the work he was doing.

"Well well well, look at you being helpful. Stiles would be shocked."

Isaac scratched the back of his neck and looked down at his plate. "Speaking of, how is everyone from Beacon Hills?"

Her smile dropped and she was silent for a moment. "Do you really care?" She asked, slight disgust in her voice.

"Of course I do." He assured. "Do you not know?" He asked looking to the frowning woman before him. "What's going on with everyone, I mean."

She bit her tongue and thought for a moment before answering. "No I don't. We haven't seen each other in a long time. The summer after graduation we saw each other, after freshman year in college we met up again and then we all started finding other things to do. Made different friends, had different lives, became different people. I ran into Scott a few years back when I was visiting my parents, if you want to know how everyone is, what they're up to, Scott is the one to ask. The alpha knows all. In a manner of speaking. You should get in touch with him sometime, or Melissa. They really missed you when you left." She whispered the last words.

Isaac Lahey ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now