10. Trouble

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A knock on the bedroom door interrupts a rather intimate moment, which leaves both Bucky and I scrambling to put our clothes back on. When we open the door and finally poke our heads out, we find Natasha standing there with a smirk on her face.

"Just wanted to make sure everything was okay," she says, "We were concerned when the moaning and the swearing stopped."

I shake my head and Bucky grins.

I was the one swearing and moaning.


"I believe that would be Steve's fault," Bucky grins.


I smirk, "Actually, I believe its your fault, Buck. You stopped doing your job."

Tony cackles from the living room, and Natasha's face turns bright red.

Bucky presses a kiss to my cheek and nudges Natasha from the doorway, saying, "If you'll excuse us, I have a job to do." As he pulls me back into our room and closes the door, he smiles at me. "Darling, I believe you're in trouble."

I smile back at him as he turns and leads me back toward the bed, saying, "I wouldn't classify the current situation as 'trouble,' sweetheart."

"Baby, you are trouble," he beams, his fingers brushing gently against my skin as we lie back down in our little nest. "But you're my bit of trouble, so I'm not complaining."

I can't argue with him on that.

I pull him down to me, so he's pressed close, right up against me, and I take his face in my hands. He presses a tender kiss to my forehead as we settle into each other. I can't help but smile like a lovesick fool.

Bucky, baby, you're too sweet.

"I'm not complaining either," I tell him.

"I love you," he tells me, pressing his forehead to mine. "So much."

I give him a quick peck, saying, "And I love you so much more."

"My angel, there's no way you love me more than how much I love you," he whispers, "I'm incredibly blessed to have been in love with you for so many years. I can't wait to see what's ahead of us."

"I have a few ideas," I whisper back.

He smiles as he rolls us over into our sides and nuzzles into me, murmuring happily, "Tell me about them, love."

Oh, darling, I wish I could.

I don't want to ruin the surprise.

"I think I'll keep some of it to myself for now," I tease.

He kisses my cheek, "Whatever you say, Stevie. I still want to hear some of it, especially since we were interrupted."

A flurry of thoughts dance through my head.

"Well," I sigh, "I can tell you some of it."

He beams a sunbeam smile at me.

My heart melts.

"I want us to have a life outside of the Avengers," I tell him as I stroke his hair. "With a house, a puppy just for you, and maybe a little family. I want to wake up beside you and see the countryside through the window. I love D.C., and I love New York, but a space of our own away from it all couldn't possibly compete. Here, we're surrounded by chaos. Anywhere else, we would probably be able to breathe a little easier."

Bucky presses a kiss to my cheek.

"I'd love that," he tells me.

Oh, Bucky.

"You would?" I ask him.

He hugs me tight and snuggles even closer, saying softly, "I enjoy being with the team, but you're right; it's chaos. That, and, well, I'd prefer a little more privacy. I'd be able to spoil you even more rotten than you already are, and we wouldn't have to feel like someone is always looking over our shoulders. We're a couple, a team, partners - we should have a few moments to ourselves."

"I'm sure no one is looking at the security tapes, but I definitely agree," I say, "It's a bit unsettling knowing that someone is always watching."

"We could make a hell of a lot of money with the tapes though," he tells me with a grin.

I laugh, "Oh, I'm sure we could, babe."

The sharp light in his eyes softens, and his grin turns into a soft smile full of warmth. I feel at home in his eyes.

"I love your laugh," he says.

My heart swells.

I kiss his forehead, saying, "I love you."

He kisses my cheek, saying, "I love you too."

Bucky, love.

I lean in to kiss him, and he smiles as our lips meet. We lie there together, absolutely smitten as we share tender little kisses. But, those little kisses soon become hungry, desperate, and we find ourselves between the sheets again.

Unlike earlier though, with the heated swearing and reckless moaning, we take this moment even slower. We spend time spoiling each other, going over each sharp line and gentle curve of each other's body with our fingers and our lips. Each shiver of pleasure, each roll of the hips, every moan, and every time we say the other's name between a kiss, is given a moment.

By the time we're warmed up and ready for more, we're begging each other for release, and we're completely oblivious to the camera that's pointed at us. When we do notice it though, we ignore it. We both know that, if anything, we'll have a lovely collection of photographs to look at later.

All I'm concerned with at the moment is pleasing the beautiful man in my arms.

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