23. Colors (Quill)

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"Quill," Gamora says as she walks over to me, "The others, they're ready for us."

Good to know.

Looking out of my ship across space at the others, I notice that dozens of ships are here. I'm impressed, but I expected this. Steve and Bucky's impact extended from Earth to the edges of the Milky Way and beyond.

It's a tragedy.

I look at Rocket, Drax, Mantis, and Groot, saying, "Gimme an update."

Rocket, peering over the controls with intense focus, says, "Earth will be dark in five...four...three...two...one." He looks up at me. "On your mark, Quill."

Gotta wait for Tony.

Mantis looks toward Earth, saying softly, "Their grief can be felt by the entire galaxy." She looks at Drax. "Can you feel it?"

We were there. No need, Mantis.

He nods, "I can, and I grieve as well. Our friends died in a battle that they should not have had to fight."

No one deserved to fight in that war. It wasn't fair to a single person.

"I am Groot," Groot says as he rests his head on Gamora's shoulder and points out the window.

The ships line up with ours, each one from a different part of the galaxy.

Gamora smiles sadly, "The Ravagers have come to help us send off the Captain and his Sergeant. We're waiting for Stark's signal from earth."

A panel lights up at my fingertips.


Earth is ready.

I hit a switch and a button, deploying a massive display of Colors in memory of Steve and Bucky Rogers-Barnes.

This is how we celebrate the life of a fallen comrade.

Each Ravagers clan ship blasts off bright colors of their own, painting a beautiful picture of honor, strength, and solidarity across space. When it's over, I turn and look at Rocket.

"We'll have to visit them soon," I tell him.

He nods, "Of course."

Gamora nods too, "I think Steve and Bucky would like that."

"I am Groot," Groot says softly.

I look out the window toward Earth, saying, "I miss them too, Groot. I miss them too."

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