68. October 1, 2036 (Steve)

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A gentle breeze ruffles my hair as I walk down the hallway to the kitchen, the delicious aroma of fresh-baked cookies pulling me toward it like my life depends on it.

"...feel so young. You make me feel so spring has sprung."


Someone got ahold of my Spotify.

I smile when I walk into the kitchen and find Bucky, Wanda, Nat, Tony, Peter, and the kids in the living room. Bucky and Ana are twirling around the room, Nat is showing Peter how to swing dance, and Tony is taking a video with his phone, smiling so wide that his face just has to hurt.

My family all together.

It's so lovely.

What a wonderful feeling.

When Ana and Bucky see me, they gracefully move toward me. Ana slips away as they reach me, and Bucky pulls me to him, singing softly.

Oh, love.

"My turn next, Mom!" Zander calls to Nat.

"Got it, pup!" She smiles.

Zander grins.

The song changes, and Bucky brings us into a much slower circle of the room, trading my hand and waist for my hips. I press a kiss to his forehead and drape my arms around his neck, enjoying the moment.

Oh, sweetheart, I love you.

"It's been quite a while since you willingly danced with me," Bucky points out, amused.


"I was a bit traumatized after the last time we danced, what with the care package from hell and all of that," I smirk.

He smiles sweetly, hands on the small of my back, and leans in close, lips at my ear as he whispers, "Tony's going to propose to Nat here in a few minutes. I thought that distracting her with some music would be good for Tony's blood pressure."


"It's about time," I tell him.

He presses his forehead to mine as he says, "I know, right? We've been waiting for this for more than twenty years."

"What, your pension?" Nat asks as she and Zander dance a circle around us.

I grin and say, "No, my Medicare."

She laughs.

After a few more gentle circles across the floor, Bucky takes me by the hand to the door to the patio, and we go over to Rhodey.

     "Operation: Spider Web is a go," Bucky tells him.

     Rhodey grins and calls out to the group outside, saying, "Operation: Spider Web is a go! Let's get moving, people!"

In absolutely no time at all, the patio is transformed into a romantic getaway. Candles float across the pool. Crimson rose petals are scattered across the tile. The sun is setting behind us, the light glimmering as it bounces off of the waves below.

     My phone buzzes in my pocket.

I take it out and unlock it, going straight to my texts.

Stark: Grab your husband and come back inside. I need you two to get Nat into her wedding dress.

     I pull Bucky to me and show him the text. He raises an eyebrow, and I send a reply.

Me: What? Wedding dress?

     Tony replies quickly.

Stark: Fuck the proposal.

Stark: She deserves a shotgun wedding.

Stark: I've got suits, dresses, and shoes for everyone up in your closet. I put everything there this morning before the kids got in, just for safekeeping.

Stark: Get her blindfolded and up to your office, I'll get everyone dressed, and then you and Bucky can change into your new tuxedos after Ana gets up there.

Stark: She'll be able to keep Nat from knowing what the hell's actually happening.

     Bucky grins. I can't help but smile back.

Me: We've got it, boss!

Stark: I'm not the boss, I'm just the guy that pays for everything and makes sure we all look halfway decent. You're the boss, Cap.

     I smirk, pocket my phone, and pull Bucky back into our not-so-little house.

"Natasha," Bucky chimes, a bit of song in his voice.

She calls back to him from the kitchen, saying, "In here!"

Bucky darts off to retrieve her, but Natasha finds me first. My husband is nowhere to be seen.

  She raises an eyebrow at me as she comes toward me, asking, "Bucky said you needed my help in your office. What the hell did you do this time?"

I take her by the arm and expertly move her away from any windows to the patio, towing her down the hall toward the stairs, saying, "No idea, but I'd like to figure it out before Tony hears. It's the computer. Blue screen of death and everything."

     "Of course," she sighs. "It can't ever be something simple, can it, Steve?"

After a minute, and once she's realized that nothing is wrong with the computer, she turns to Bucky and me, and she just shakes her head.

"Tony's up to something, isn't he?" She sighs in defeat.

We grin.

She puts her hands on her hips and takes a second to think. Bucky and I glance at each other, then at the door.

"He's really proposing, isn't he?" She smiles softly, her green eyes shining.

Bucky smiles warmly, saying, "We can't confirm or deny."

She looks at me, asking, "So, what do I need to do, Cap? He's clearly put you in charge of handling me until everything is ready."

"He wants us to blindfold you and keep you here until Ana comes up," I tell her. "After that, I'm not sure what he's planned for you. Ana will probably take over from there."

     Nat smiles to herself as she sits down behind my desk and looks down at her hands.

"I feel like I should be scared," she says, "Or at least a little hesitant."

     Bucky goes to her and rests his hand on her shoulder, his left hand, so she knows just how important this is.

"As long as this family exists, there's nothing to fear," he tells her softly. "Not now, not ever again."

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