16. Shepherd

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"Lock and load, boys!" Nat shouts as we march through the weapons vault, arming ourselves with whatever we can. "We're going to space!"

Two hours ago, Bucky and I woke up from surgery, and within minutes, we were ready to roll. I'm wearing my new tactical suit, and Bucky's rolling hot in straight-up badassery with a completely new supersuit.

As I strap into my boots and lock my shield into place on my back, Bucky grabs every single EMP, machine gun, and blunt weapon he can get his hands on. When I look back up though, I find Tony fitting Bucky for a set of repulsor boots and gloves.

As Tony walks away, I notice that Bucky's got his headphones on, and I can hear the music from where I'm standing ten feet away.

It's Hollywood Undead's latest album.

Somehow, it's fitting for the moment.

Seizing the opportunity that I just saw over his shoulder, I walk over to the plane's control panel and punch in my request. As I walk back toward Bucky, he takes his headphones off and grins at me.

"You know me so well," he says as he takes my hand and pulls me to him.

My palms get sweaty and my thoughts scatter.

There's something so incredibly hot about being pressed against a man in uniform, especially when he's armed himself with twenty different guns and Kevlar.

My tongue turns to sandpaper as his hands find my waist. He presses closer to me and locks his lips with mine. I melt in his arms as his heat floods my chest, and I'm left speechless as he pulls away from our tender moment.

He smiles, clearly pleased with himself as I look at him in complete surrender, and he says, "July 4th, 2022. Fight for our wedding day."

I blink in shock, "That's six months from yesterday. We got engaged yesterday."

"It sure is," he beams. "And if there's anything we need to fight for as we fly into space toward Thanos, it's our wedding day, baby."

"You finally settled on a date?" Nat asks as she appears with Tony, Wanda, Peter, Quill, and a massive German Shepherd.

Bucky keeps a firm hold on me as he asks, "I did. What's with the Shepherd, Tony?"

Tony grins, "She's the latest and greatest Stark Industries technological development, and her name is Brooklyn Liberty Rogers-Barnes."

Holy shit.

We look at each other, and then we turn toward Tony, saying together, "She's ours?"

Wanda flashes a smile as Tony says, "She was supposed to be a wedding gift, but we need her for this war we're about to fight."

Bucky lets go of me and crouches down to Brooklyn's level, smiling as he says, "Brooklyn Liberty Rogers-Barnes. She's beautiful." Then he stands and commands all attention to him. "Hier!"

Brooklyn steps forward and walks toward him, her eyes fixed on his.

"Gib Laut," he tells her as she stops in front of him.

She barks once, rattling the weapons in the corridor around us.

"Sitz," he says, and she sits, waiting patiently for more.

"Pass auf!"

She stands protectively in front of us on guard. I'm honestly amazed at how well-trained she is. I expected her to be flawless, but this is stunning.

Bucky looks at me, "She should be able to follow your commands as well, Stevie. Tell her to search."

I rifle through the German language folder I keep in my head, and then it clicks.

"Such!" I tell her, and she rushes forward to search the area.

She returns a moment later, and sits down at my feet with her ears perked up and her eyes focused on mine.

I smile and crouch down to pet her, saying softly, "Welcome home, sweet girl."

Bucky moves to my side, scratching behind her ears as he says, "I think I'll call you Brookie, for short."

Her tail starts wagging and her tongue falls out of her mouth as she flops onto her side, leaving us to fawn over her, gives her kisses, and rub her belly.

It's quite a sight.

"I think she's going to be just fine," Wanda smiles as she bumps Tony with her hip.

He smiles and nods, arms crossed over his chest, saying, "She's got two of the strongest men in the Universe to protect and guide her. She'd better be just fine."

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