51. Duplicates (Natasha)

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"All right, Tony," Steve says as he and Bucky come back down into the lab, the triplets on their heels. "We're back for more."

Zander jumps up onto Bucky's shoulders, standing tall as he adjusts so that he stays upright and balanced as his father walks.

"No fair!" Niko pouts, stomping his little feet in protest.

Steve grabs his hand and lifts him up onto the lab table as they stop by Tony.

"Welcome back, boys and girls," Tony grins as he scrolls through the holographic screens around him, searching the files with a keen eye.

"So, we know Zander's profile," Bucky says, "And we've updated mine, but we don't know what Meri and Niko's profiles say. We can guess, of course, but we don't know if that's right."

"Jarvis, can you give us a rundown of Merida's profile?" Tony asks as he steps back from the screens and lets Jarvis do the rest.

"Name: Merida Grace. Name meaning: Merida - one who has achieved a high place of honor; Grace - to be graceful. Date of birth: October 31, 2034," Jarvis says. "Age: chronologically 1 year old, but she has a biological age of 3. Alias: no recorded aliases. Codename: Meridian. Codename meaning: a circle of constant longitude passing through a given place on the earth's surface and the terrestrial poles; a circle passing through the zenith of a given place on the earth's surface; one of twelve pathways in the body where vital energy flows. Classification: Avenger. Clearance level: 6. Power level: 13."

"Abilities," Bucky requests.

"Merida has the following abilities: accelerated healing factor, advanced regeneration, elite acrobat, enhanced immune system, enhanced reaction time, expert aerialist, self-duplication, slowed aging, superhuman strength and endurance, world class athlete."

"What are her predicted abilities, Jarvis?" Steve asks.

"Predicted abilities: expert hand-to-hand combatant, expert martial artist, expert strategist, expert tactician, firearms expert, fluent in German, fluent in Russian, fluent in Sokovian, prima ballerina, weapons expert."

Steve raises an eyebrow, saying softly, "So Merida can duplicate herself, but she hasn't shown this ability yet."

He looks down at Merida, who is wearing a Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones shirt with her hair up in little Princess Leia buns, courtesy of Clint and Wanda.

"Can you make clones, baby girl?" Steve asks her.

Merida grins, "I thought you'd never ask."

Bucky smiles, "She's just like her Momma. Always up to something."

Tony looks at me, nearly snapping his neck he turns so quickly.

Steve smirks, "I think you're right, Buck."

"Cheese and sprinkles," Zander gasps, eyes lighting up as he bounces down to the floor.

Bucky looks at me, steel blue overwhelmed by black as our eyes meet.

Nikolai grins and tugs on Bucky's jacket sleeve, saying, "Betcha didn't see that one coming, did ya?"

"I'm in love with a duplicator assassin," Tony says softly, a huge grin on his face.

"What are you talking about?" I ask, my own voice echoing around me.

"I'm just like Mommy!" Merida smiles as she runs toward me, duplicate versions of herself splintering from her, giggling in unison as they reach me. "Look Momma, I can make clones, just like you!"

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