43. Plan B (Bucky)

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Today has been a whirlwind, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Stevie's okay, the team is back in the United States, Ana's officially started her training, and our family seems to be stronger than ever. Everyone but Steve, at least. He's still having a hard time accepting the fact that he's down for the count right now.

So, to cheer him up, I've put together a little date night for us. Nat, Wanda, Ana and Lorna have been helping me get everything staged while Bruce, Logan, Wade, Peter, and Tony distract Steve.

And based on the last picture Wade sent me just a few minutes ago, Steve is still grumpy, so I've got some major work to do when they finally bring him back to the compound for his surprise. He has no idea that I'm doing this, and he's expecting to come home and go right back to bed. Little does he know, he's in for quite a treat.

I've planned a night under the stars for us. Dinner and dancing on the patio, followed by a walk on the beach, which will end with something I've wanted to do since we came back from the dead.

When I told the girls what the final destination of the night is going to be, they all started screeching at the top of their lungs. Then, they ran off to find Steve something to wear that's worthy of the occasion. They came back ten minutes later with his favorite navy blue suit. It's also my personal favorite, because it makes his eyes even more intense.

As I carefully set candles on the table, I hear Nat, Wanda, Ana, and Lorna discussing their plans for the evening.

"Mom, I think you should sing," Ana says to Nat.

"Do you know any Sinatra?" Wanda asks her.

"Of course I do," Nat smiles. "I sang at their wedding, remember?"

"I think you should sing then," Lorna smiles. "Wade told me you sing like an angel."

"I can't believe he hasn't been killed yet," Nat says.

"Believe me, it's impossible," Lorna tells her with a smile. "He's practically immortal."

"So, who is going to be doing what?" Ana asks.

"Nat should definitely sing," Wanda says.

"You two should work your magic on the lighting," Nat says, nodding at Wanda and Lorna. "Steve would love it."

"You should play the piano for Nat, Ana," Lorna tells Ana. "I've watched you play a few times since we've come to the compound. You're as talented at playing as your fathers are, and you sing just like all four of your parents do."

I smile.

Ana's picked up most of our habits, tricks, and talents. She's a ballerina that shoots guns, paints and draws like a Renaissance artist, sings like an absolute angel, can bench press entire cars, and plays almost every single musical instrument in existence.

I sigh.

My baby bear isn't quite so little anymore.

I listen to the rest of the girls' conversation as I go about the patio and rearrange the furniture, carefully sliding things into place.


I unpocket my phone and sigh when I see the notification.

"What is it?" I hear Natasha ask.

She leans her head against my shoulder and tucks an arm around me as I show her the screen.

"He's not having a fun day out with the boys, is he?" She asks.

I sigh as I unlock the screen and show her the Snapchat video Tony just sent me.

     "Is he lecturing Wade on firearm safety again?" Natasha asks

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"Is he lecturing Wade on firearm safety again?" Natasha asks.

"Looks like it," I sigh.

"Let's get this show on the road then," she smiles. "We've got a supersoldier to surprise."

As she bounces off toward the girls, I say, "You'd better have that voice of yours ready to roll the minute he gets in that suit."

"Leave that to me, sweetheart!" She says.

I shake my head and put my phone in my pocket. And then I get an idea. To hell with the beach, this is huge.

"Natasha, does Tony still have an account with Hugo Boss in New York?" I ask.

She nods, "Yeah, he gets most of his suits there."

I take out my phone and call Tony.

When he picks up, I say, "Don't say a single word unless it's an answer to the following questions, okay? There's a new plan."

"Go for it, boss," he says. "I'll do whatever I have to."

"Can you take Steve to the Hugo Boss office in New York?" I ask

"You know I can," Tony says. "What does he need to do when we get there?"

"Get him fitted for a walk-out purchase from the Steel Collection," I tell him. "I'll PayPal the money to you. Just make sure he's in the suit when you leave."

"Got it," he chirps. "What's next on the list?"

"Take him to the nearest Harley Davidson dealership," I say, "And let him pick one of his choice. If he's going to be reckless, it's going to be on my dime. I'll also PayPal the amount of that to you."

"Check, next item of business," Tony says, a smile in his voice.

"Give him one of your watches, Friday-equipped of course, and plug in the coordinates of the bridge I first attacked Steve on," I tell him. "I'll have Sam and Natasha waiting there for him, and from there, they're going to lead him to the next location. Can you do that for me?"

"Hell yeah, of course," Tony laughs. "Go get ready while we do our round of errands, all right?"

"Thank you, Tony," I sigh in relief.

"Not a problem," he says, and then he hangs up.

"So, no more candles?" Anna asks, smirking.

I grin, "No more candles."

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