Ch.1 the new residence

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15 years later

"Hey dad do you know where the plates are?"I asked and waited for a response,but was only answered by silence."Dad?"

"Yeah Hun?I didn't scare you did I?Oh I'm so sorry i didn't mean to.."

"It's fine dad,where are the plates they're not in this box with the bowls."

"They should be in the chest with your mother's china."

Oh no not in moms china.I know it's been 10 years since my mom died and all, but I feel like her shit shouldn't be tampered with even if it was legally mine now.

"Is mom's chest in the car still?"

He just looked at me and I could tell he was trying so hard not to think to much about it.He was practically eaten to the bone with her death.If one of us has to keep it together it would be me,especially since I was the one moving out.

"Yeah," he sighed deeply,"go get it and after you get done with the dishes I'll leave you to getting to know your place without dads."

"Promise,i mean,I'll miss you dad really call anytime you want."

He just nodded his head as i went toward the lobby to get the chest out of the car in front.As i hit the hall I felt a chill and a wave of anger and rage.I brushed it off like it was nothing,but I didn't take it lightly knowing my past.
I headed toward the car and the chest seemed oddly lighter than i remembered I opened it and everything was in there.I began to head upstairs when I turn around the door slammed behind me.I jumped knowing I probably kicked it on accident and walk back to my room.Since I was on the middle floor I didn't want to risk dropping the chest on the way up and breaking everything so the elevator it was(even tho I'm claustrophobic).The elevator doors open and abruptly closed after I walked in them.The floor i was on was the 7 floor,but there was no 7th floor only a don't go here sticker was on a button that had no floor number.So I pushed it curiosity taken over and knowing it had to be my floor.As I stood in the elevator waiting for the doors to open there seemed to be a shift in the elevator.Then everything stopped and the lights exploded causing my ears to pop and a blood curtailing scream to belt out of me that I thought I never had.

I stepped off the elevator on my floor(told you!!), but it seemed darker than I remembered.I walked to my room half expecting my dad to jump out and scare me, instead I was greeted by a little boy who was playing solitaire.He sat in front of my door and I asked him politely to move out of my way so I wouldn't drop the box on his head,but he seem to not have heard me.
"Yo,kid!Move your ass would ya. I'mma drop this on your head!"
The kid heard me for sure this time and all hi did was look at me and laughed.He vanished,I dropped the chest and ran toward where the boy had been and i knew that it wasn't a coincidence,he was a ghost.

As I walked into the living room my dad ran toward me.

"What the hell was that, Nearly, are you okay!?"

"I'm fine dad,it's okay."

"Are you sure,I heard a big crash out there?"

"Yes dad I'm fine,you should go home anyways."

"I,I guess.I'll call you when I get home,okay?"

"Okay dad," as he kissed my head. I didn't lock the door behind him just in case he decided to come back into the room until I saw his 1987 Chevy leave.

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