Ch 13 Hell in disguise

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As I stand at the bottom or the stairs of my new high school I noticed that something seemed a little,off so to speak.I began to ascend the concrete stairs when i noticed everyone was staring at me.I looked down and rolled down my sleeves of my over sized hoodie to keep from touching other people and sure enough as soon as I did some chick ran right into me.I just brushed it off so I wouldn't have to talk to her but that's not what she had in mind.

"Hey,I'm sorry for running into you.Hey your the new chick aren't you?Hi i'm maryann!"

"And i'm leaving.See yeah."

"Wait you can't leave yet,don't you need help getting to your classes?

"No i'll manage thanks,"and I walked off pulling down my hood over my eyes to stop any further staring or touching.

First bell rang for the start of the day and the class sat down at their assigned seats and the only seat that was left was in the very back."oh thank you,"I whispered to myself.I took my seat in the back of the room and pulled out my pencils and notebook and started to draw.Just as I began to get "comfortable" in my seat the teacher walked into the room and slammed the door,clearly pissed about something.Then he caught me in the corner of his eye and his mood seemed to change just as quickly as he came in here.

"Ah, new student please come meet the class,"he boomed.

I just slowly raised my head hoping that he wasn't looking at me and sure enough all eyes were facing me.I just looked up at him and just shocked my head no.

"come on,we don't bite,well some of us don't."

I couldn't help but laugh a little and I stood up at my desk.I looked around the class and slowly headed up toward the teacher's desk and just rubbed my left arm and stared at the ground till I was introduced by him.

"Class this is nearly,nearly this is the class.Everyone please stand up and say your names and your home town then please take a seat."

After everyone stated their name I was the only one standing except for the girl I bumped into this morning,until she sat down.

"Nearly would you tell us a little bit about yourself?"

I stood there in fear unsure of what to tell them.Let's go through the list shall we.I've been recently possessed TWICE,my mom's dead and I live in a haunted hotel."I'm from dallas texas,I like to draw and write stories and I live here now so.."

"thank you nearly you may take your seat now."Oh thank god,I ran back to my seat and just my favored luck the bell rang. That was the best sound I've heard all day.Well until.....

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