Ch.5 Too innocent? Too bad!

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I decided to explore further just it case he had anyone else trapped down here beyond their will.And sure enough there was and you should have seen the looks on their faces filled with terror, fear and horror. Almost too innocently if I do say so myself.

"What the hell am I doing!? This isn't right!" God Dammit I'm losing my mind, because this isn't me."Get the hell out of me you son of a bitch!!"

"Why? Didn't you like the meal I prepared for you? Think of all the souls and bad people you could rid this unfortunate world from. People will LOVE you."

The words BAD and LOVE mean absolutely nothing to me anymore! Before I knew it he was taking over again.

"NO! Your NOT gonna use my body to get to their souls and eat them. That's why you had kept them as prisoners you couldn't do that without a body well guess what?!" at that very moment I took that knife I had in my hand an stabbed my lower abdomen and cut DEEP. "Well I'm not gonna let ya!"

With that being said and done a blood curdling scream exploded out of me fortunately it wasn't mine it was his.

"You dumb girl how could you do this!? Do you know what you have done?"

"I,I....,"and with that I was out like a light no memory of what happened next or was to come,but I do remember hearing sirens and being carried.

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