Ch 18 in the night

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I decided to invite him over so we could study and it went great so i decided to ask him to stay and watch a horror movie with me and he stayed.One problem we both ended up passing out on my couch with the tv still going.I guess he woke up because I was screaming bloody mary forgetting anyone was still here with me and he sat me up and started to shake me a little bit.

"Nearly,nearly wake up!Come on it's just a dream,"then he leaned over and hugged me.I snapped out of it then,but I broke out into tears from complete embarrassment and terror."Are you ok,what happened?"

"Nothing,nothing just a bad dream that's all,"wiping the tears and mucus off my face."I need to go to bed,I gotta get up early tomorrow."

"Do you want me to stay here with you?Or sleep with you maybe?I mean if you're cool with that,if not i'll go."

I didn't know how to respond and with my dad gone and all i need all the protection I could get right now,"No you can stay if you want,but no funny buisness ok?"He kinda chuckled and I couldn't help but do the same thing.I walked slowly to my room and looking over my shoulder to make sure he was following me and out of the corner of my eye I see my dad shaking his head and his arms crossed funny thing is he's smiling and chuckling too.So I looked back at him and smiled.I didn't know how to take it,but he didn't seem alarmed or concered he trusted me,death or alive.I closed the door behind me after he walked in and he sat in my round spinny chair I had by my bed when i play videogames or long painful nights of homework."You don't have to lay there if you don't want to.You can lay in my bed if you want.I don't mind,I'll lay in the chair."

"Are you sure,I don't want to be to much of a problem?"

"Yeah i'm sure,"I laid down in my chair with my favorite throw blanket and pillow and curled up.He layed in my bed,but on top of the sheets."Good night," and I clapped the lights off.I guess I ended up freaking out again last night because I woke up the a few hours later in my bed with his arm over me in an protective embrace.I couldn't help but smile and snuggled more into him and my blanket because it seemed to drop a few degrees in that last minute. He pulled me in closer to him and I rolled over to see him looking back at me and smiling."Hey,"I whispered.

"Hey,how ya feeling?"so I did freakout again.

"Fine,i guess and you? I didn't wake you did I?"

"No,you just were shivering really bad and I thought you would like to stay warm,"he sighed looking down and smiling,"and you were tossing and turning so whatever was bothering you, it left you the fuck alone when I layed you down next to me."

"What time is it?It's got to be morning isn't it?"

"Actually it's only 11:30 in the night.Go back to sleep I won't leave I promise."I couldn't help but blush and i'm hoping he didn't see me since there was no light.

"I would love that,"and I snuggled up to him and laid my head on his chest and inhaled his woody pine smelling cologne and began to daze off back into my deep slumber until the morning sun's light.

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