Ch 20 In the day the nightmare is gone

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We found out that I had every class with him and I didn't know whether or not that was a good thing or bad thing,but i was happy.The day just seemed to go by in a breeze and I decided to invite brandon over again so we could review for our math test tomorrow.

"What's nine times twelve divided by three equals?"

"If it equals you kissing me then we stop doing these math problems and start doing some chem and science labs."I knew what he was talking about and as much as I really wanted to say yes,I really needed to past this test since its 50% of our grade this semester.

"Not right now and besides we have 10 more math problems and then we have a report to do in Ela and science then we'll finish that movie,in my room this time.How does that sound?"I could tell he was a little disappointed but he was hopeful for later.In fact we had all the problems and reports done in 30 minutes and it was only 5pm. I cleaned up all of our assignments and put them on the kitchen table and started popping popcorn and got the sodas ready.I walked into the bedroom and he had the blankets and pillows on the floor ready to go for our movie night and the movie in and ready to go right where we left off.He handed me a blanket and at the same time I handed him his soda and the bowl of popcorn so I could sit down.I sat there and out of nowhere I grew extremely cold.He scooted closer to me and wrapped his arm and blanket and i scooted closer into him.We sat there for a good 10 minutes and I began to feel tired all the sudden.I guess he did to because he started dozen off.I asked him if he wanted me to stop the movie and we'll just take a nap and finish it later he said no and he was gonna stay awake and finish it.I got up and got under the covers on my bed and pasted out for a bit and I kinda wake up in a half dazed state and he was laying right next to me and the movies back on the home screen,I guess he did stay up and finished it.Something wasn't setting right in my stomach though.I propted myself up on my pillow and I saw two shadows staring down at me.One I knew had to be my dad and the other one seemed bigger that him.Taller and a lot darker than the kid that I encountered the other day.My dad seemed to be screaming run go hide.Instead I sat there in absalute terror and fear that I just pulled the covers over my head and went back to sleep.This was gonna be a long night.

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