Ch.10 The battle of life and death

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My dad went flying into the wall and broke the table on the way down.

"Don't touch me you filthy human.No wonder why your wife left you when nearly was at such a young age."
Wait, I was told she died I saw her casket,she's still alive,but where?

"You foolish boy,my wifes been dead for over 10 years I saw her casket at the funeral home,I watched them put her in the ground."

"Or did you,you see people that don't want to be found or don't want anything to do with people like you fake their deaths to get away from thy."

"I see that you know your bible and mythology.Question is do you know what an exorcist is cause your on that path."
With that being said he started praying and all derrick did was laugh.

"Old stupid man,it's gonna take more than that to get rid of me again.She's already tried and succeeded only once what makes you think you could?"

That's when it hit me,demons can be seen in mirrors and windows,so I headed to my room and I had my dad follow,more like run after me, and he saw what kind of demon he was and began praying again except this time it was a different prayer and it seemed to be working.

"What-What you doing! There's no way, who taught you that prayer.Only my dad knows that prayer."

Only his dad,wait it has to be a coincidence right!? He's not related to me,is he?If he is this would only be one of the many things i've witnessed and seen today.My body felt light and free afte my dad got rid of him only problem was I was so weak from the fight that I fainted.

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