Ch.7 The stalker under my bed

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Finally I wake up a week later,but i'm still weak.(ahhhh the puns)My dad decided to go to work tonight thinking that I would still be asleep and when the nurse came in to check on me asked if she should call him and I told her no.She nodded her head,but I could tell she was gonna call him anyways.I layed propped up in my bed looking at all the flowers and gifts my dad and some friends got me and one I think is from my neighbors across the hall from me.I began flipping threw the cards to see what they all wrote and mainly it was "get well soon" and "lots of love"
when I came across one black laced card with a red rose on the front.I opened up the card and I felt wind come out from under my bed.(and no not gas) I sat there,a little embarrassed(hey you would be to if you're in nothing but a hospital gown you would be too) because something legit came out from under my bed.Debating whether or not to look under the bed and before I noticed,I was already leaning over and looking.Sure enough there was a shadow boy under my bed and a blood curdling scream came out of me.As the vase next to me shattered and the nurse came hauling in with nothing but a clipboard and a pint of black blood.She rushed over to me putting the blood on my bed and when I finally calmed down she went to reach for the blood and it appeared to be missing.She walked all over the room and under my sheets looking for it and she went to the left side of my bed and notice that it was under it and when I told her not to go under there she came up and just laughed at me.As she walked out of the room I decided to get out of bed(which i'm NOT supposed to) and went under and started cussing under my breathe.I began crawling under my bed into the unknown darkness that awaits me.

"I'm gonna get you,you stalker.Who the hell sneaks around in a hospital looking at nothing but people and their buttcracks and well EVERYTHING ELSE!"
Right on cue I hear him laughing in my ear taunting me saying that i'm never gonna .
"Your nothing but a stupid little girl.Hell,you couldn't catch a cold.What makes you think you could catch me?"
His mocking laughter filled me with persuasion and straight up ignorance.Unfortunately that's what drives my hate fire and so I proceeded after him.

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